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City Council Meeting of June 16, 2008 <br />Page 3 of 9 <br />Approve Annual Performance Review for Utility Billing Clerk Jodie Guareschi <br />Jodie was hired by the City on June 17, 2002 as a front counter receptionist when the City moved into <br />the new City Hall. Over the past six years, Jodie's duties have evolved. For the past three years she has <br />worked as the City's Utility Billing Clerk in the Finance Department managing more than 3,000 utility <br />accounts in the City of Hugo. Jodie also works as a member of the Hugo Fire Department as a <br />firefighter/EMS responder which involves medical and emergency responses from time to time from <br />City Hall. Jodie is a loyal and committed member of the City Hall team who has an attentive eye to <br />detail with a good sense of humor. Jodie's dedication to the Hugo Fire Department is well recognized as <br />she is a respected and an integral member of the daytime response team. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the annual performance review for Utility Billing Clerk Jodie Guareschi. <br />Approve Annual Performance Review for Public Works Lead Worker Tom Smith <br />Tom Smith was hired by the City of Hugo on June 26, 2000. Tom has worked hard over the past eight <br />years as a valued member and leader of the public works department team. As lead worker, Tom <br />provides direction to full time and summer seasonal staff on an as -needed basis in the absence of the <br />Public Works Director. Tom is a dedicated, loyal, and conscientious member of the Public Works <br />Department Team. Tom is respected for getting the job done, always. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the annual performance review for Public Works Lead Worker Tom Smith. <br />Approve Resignation of Public Works Director Chris Petree and Authorize Staff to Advertise for <br />Vacancy <br />Chris Petree has submitted his letter of resignation to the City of Hugo because he has accepted the City <br />of Lakeville's Public Works Director position. Chris was first hired by the City of Hugo in 1999, and <br />over the past nine years has worked hard and demonstrated an excellent work ethic helping to create the <br />City's first ever Public Works Department along with supervising the construction of the new Public <br />Works building in 2005. Chris's commitment, dedication, and loyalty to the Hugo City Council and <br />citizens of Hugo is well recognized and well respected. Chris's opportunity to work for a community <br />with a population five times the size of Hugo is one that he has thoroughly analyzed. With the May 25th <br />tornado disaster clean up efforts and his direct leadership in it, Council knows that this decision was not <br />easy. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the resignation of Public Works Director Chris Petree <br />effective July 25, 2008 and authorize staff to advertise for his vacancy with the direct involvement of <br />Chris Petree in the selection and interview process. <br />Approve Appointment of Nathan Ehalt as Long Term Disaster Recovery Coordinator <br />After the May 25, 2008 tornado disaster, City staff contacted former Administrative Intern Nathan Ehalt <br />to seek his interest in helping the City of Hugo with cleanup efforts, and he immediately agreed and was <br />on the job the next day. Nate has worked over the past three weeks in leading the City of Hugo in its <br />volunteer cleanup efforts first and then and on a day-to-day basis as a coordinator for the Long Term <br />Disaster Recovery Committee. Staff has discussed this position with individual members of the Council <br />who have agreed that this position is necessary. Upon further research and analysis, staff has <br />determined that the position will be temporary for a period not to exceed four months. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the temporary appointment of Nathan Ehalt as the City's Long Term Disaster <br />Recovery Coordinator at a salary of $4,583.00. <br />