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2008.06.16 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2008 CC Minutes
2008.06.16 CC Minutes
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City Council Meeting of June 16, 2008 <br />Page 4 of 9 <br />Approve Authorization to Advertise for Vacancy on the Board of Zoning Appeals and <br />Adiustments <br />At its June 2, 2008 meeting, the Hugo City Council appointed Greg Burmeister to the vacancy on the <br />Planning Commission created by the departure of long time commissioner Kelly Bailly. Greg's <br />appointment to the Planning Commission creates a vacancy on the Board of Zoning Appeals and <br />Adjustments to which he was appointed in 2007. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />authorization for staff to advertise for the vacancy on the Board of Zoning Appeals and Adjustments <br />with interviews by the Council in July, 2008. <br />Approve Appointment of New Administrative Intern <br />At its May 19, 2008 meeting, the Hugo City Council authorized staff to advertise for a new <br />Administrative Intern to replace Nate Ehalt who left on May 9, 2008. The City received a total of 11 <br />applications for the position. Interviews were conducted on June 12 and June 13, 2008, and staff is <br />pleased to recommend the hire of Michelle Clasen. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />hiring of Michelle Clasen as the new Administrative Intern for a six month internship with a wage of <br />$10 per hour. <br />Proposed Street Reconstruction Program for the Hugo Elementary School Area Neighborhood <br />At its May 19, 2008 meeting, the Hugo City Council directed staff to schedule a public hearing for the <br />proposed street reconstruction program for the streets in and around the Hugo Elementary School <br />neighborhood. Public notices were sent out to affected property owners and an invitation extended to <br />provide public comment on or after 7:00 p.m. on Monday, June 16, 2008. City Engineer Jay Kennedy <br />provided background of prior meetings held regarding the project, and he explained the proposed <br />improvements, estimated project costs, possible funding sources, and proposed schedule for construction <br />to take place starting in January of 2009. Mayor Fran Miron opened the public hearing to take any and <br />all comment on the proposed street reconstruction program project. <br />Kim Granger, owner of home at 5757 147th Street North, asked about adequate road easements since her <br />property line extended into the middle of the existing roadway. She was directed to speak with Senior <br />Engineering Technician Scott Anderson. <br />A representative from Nature Rental Properties, owner of the Historic Legion Post Villas at 5734 148th <br />Street North, said he would like to see parking remain on 147th Street North because there were ten <br />families living in the Villa, and they needed parking. <br />Lee Muellner, 14998 Francesca Avenue North, said he would like to see sidewalks and curbs, and he <br />asked about the different types of curbs. City Engineer Jay Kennedy explained the type of curb being <br />proposed was a type B curb which would deter driving over the curb and allow for easier plowing and <br />maintenance. <br />Denise McMahon, 14775 Foxhill Avenue North, said she preferred no sidewalks and would like to see <br />parking prohibited on one side of the street to allow pedestrian traffic there. <br />Kim Granger asked about driveway entrances and how the City planned to handle gravel driveways. <br />City Engineer Jay Kennedy said the would concrete or blacktop a portion of the driveway to keep the <br />
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