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City Council Meeting of August 18, 2008 <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />Report on New Public Works Director Position <br />On May 19, 2008 the Council accepted the resignation of Public Works Director Chris Petree who has <br />agreed to accept the City of Lakeville's Public Works Director position. After the May 25, 2008 <br />tornado, Chris was successful in extending the final day with the City of Hugo to July 25, 2005. Since <br />that time, the Council authorized staff to advertise for the position and staff is pleased to announce that <br />24 applications were received. Staff has scored and screened the applicants and scheduled interviews <br />for Tuesday, August 19, 2008. City Administrator Mike Ericson provided the Council with an overview <br />of the process. Staff would be conducting 13 first round interviews this week and expected to conduct <br />second round interviews shortly after. Council directed staff to provide them information on the two or <br />three finalists selected by staff at the next meeting. No action was taken. <br />Hugo Fall Clean Up Event on Saturday, September 20, 2008 <br />In April 2008, the Hugo City Council authorized City staff to prepare for the City's seconded Annual <br />Fall Clean Up event for Saturday, September 20, 2008. Senior Engineering Technician Scott Anderson <br />is working with Public Works Lead Worker Tom Smith in preparation for the event which was well <br />received by Hugo residents. Council noted that some residents were concerned about the cost, <br />specifically on electronics. City Administrator informed the Council that staff was working with several <br />vendors to lower the cost for residents. Council directed staff to supply the information to the residents <br />as soon as possible. No action was taken. <br />Schedule I-35 W/E Coalition Meeting at Running Aces for October 9 or 23, 2008 <br />At its July 7, 2008 meeting, Hugo City Council directed City staff to reschedule the June 19, 2008 I-35 <br />W/E Coalition meeting due to scheduling conflicts to dates in September or October at Running Aces <br />Harness Track, who agreed to host the second meeting of the year. City staff has been working with <br />Columbus City Administrator Elizabeth Mursko on available dates and she has indicated that October 9 <br />or the 23 were available. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, to hold the next I-35 W/E Coalition meeting on Thursday, <br />October 9 at 6:00 p.m. at Running Aces Harness Track. <br />All Aye. Motion carried. <br />Meeting on September 22, 2008 for Storm Affected Residents at Oneka Elementary School <br />At its August 12, 2008 meeting, the Long Term Disaster Recovery Committee requested that Nate Ehalt <br />schedule a town hall meeting on September 22, 2008 and invite the tornado disaster survivors and <br />families to allow them an opportunity to hear from State and City officials in regards to the efforts and <br />the cleanup and services provided to tornado survivors and their families. City staff requested Council <br />schedule this meeting as a Council meeting in order to allow attendance by the Council and staff. <br />Petryk made motion, Puleo seconded, to schedule a meeting for September 22, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. at <br />Oneka Elementary School for storm affected residents. <br />All Aye. Motion carried. <br />