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Hugo City Council Meeting of September 15, 2008 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />emergency personnel from the Washington County Sheriff's Office. Washington County Sheriff's <br />Deputies immediately secured the neighborhoods from both the east and west entrances allowing only <br />emergency, medical, and police personnel in. Led by Washington County Sheriff Bill Hutton, the <br />department response, coverage, and protection was swift and professional. The immediate response from <br />the Washington County Sheriff's Office resulted in no looting, no vandalism, and no damage to person <br />or property. Twenty-four hour coverage was provided by the Sheriff Deputies as well as coverage of the <br />Prindle family home site. Sheriff Hutton and his department have provided a list of reimbursable <br />personnel and equipment costs to the City of Hugo, which needs to be approved by the Hugo City <br />Council. As directed by Council, these personnel and equipment costs will be included as part of the <br />City's special legislation to the 2009 Minnesota State Legislature from which reimbursement will be <br />sought through the assistance of State Senator Ray Vandeveer, State Representative Bob Dettmer, and <br />State Representative Matt Dean. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the reimbursement <br />payment to the Washington County Sheriffs Office for costs related to the May 25, 2008 Tornado <br />Disaster in the amount of $87,617.24. <br />Housing Proposal from Walker Forest Bay Lodge, LLC, for Proiect Financing Assistance Public <br />Hearing <br />At its August 5, 2008 mid -year budget review meeting, the Council learned from Finance Director Ron <br />Otkin the interest of the City of Forest Lake to utilize the bonding authority of the City of Hugo for the <br />sale of $10 million dollars in conduit financing for the construction of a senior housing complex in the <br />Headwaters development in Forest Lake. The Council considered the request and directed staff to <br />schedule a public hearing on September 15, 2008 to consider a housing finance program and the <br />issuance of the revenue notes to finance the senior housing. City Administrator Mike Ericson informed <br />the Council that Walker Methodists officials have notified the City of Hugo that they will be seeking <br />private financing for the project, and public finance assistance from the City of Hugo is not required and <br />furthermore, the public hearing is hereby cancelled. <br />Recodification of City Code Public Hearing— Associate Planner Rachel Simone <br />Over the last year City staff has been working with Municipal Code Corporation (MCC) to re -codify all <br />chapters of the City Code. Associate Planner Rachel Simone explained the re -codification of the City <br />Code re -numbers the entire code, addresses contradictions within the code, conflicts with State law, and <br />redundancies within the code. The contents of the ordinance were not changed. The Municipal Code <br />Corporation staff attorney reviewed the entire code to make sure there are not conflicts with any <br />Minnesota State Statute. Minnesota State Statues supersedes any City ordinance that may be <br />inconsistent. Staff has worked closely with him throughout the process. At its August 28, 2008 meeting <br />the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the zoning portion of the code and recommended to <br />the City Council approval of the consistency changes outlined in the draft version of the City Code. <br />Mayor Fran Miron opened the public hearing. Elizabeth Herrmann, 6198 165th Street North, questioned <br />why the curfew and shooting ordinance was removed and why the recodification was done by an <br />external party and not City staff. It was explained that the curfew was covered by Washington County's <br />Code and shooting was covered by Sate Statute. City Attorney Dave Snyder explained it was more cost <br />effective to have the code recodified by an external company who had all the resources. The code <br />would be available on the City's website and more assessable to residents. There were no other <br />comments. <br />