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2008.10.06 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2008 CC Minutes
2008.10.06 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Minutes October 6, 2008 <br />Page 2 of 9 <br />was raised at this event for donation to the Hugo Relief fund that has been established to aid the victims <br />of the May 25, 2008 tornado disaster. Kerstin Quigley, Assistant Vice President of Lake Area Bank, <br />introduced the planning committee for the fund raising event which included Brian Denaway, Katie <br />Lindstrom, Deb Johnson, and Christine Wrobel. Kersten explained they exceeded their goal by raising <br />$3,485.99 for the Hugo relief fund. The charity event included 40 golfers and 60 participants at the <br />social gathering held afterwards at the Blue Heron Grill. Phil Klein, member of the Long Term <br />Recovery Committee, explained how funds were dispersed and encouraged those looking for help to <br />come forward. The Mayor thanked the HBA for the much appreciated donation to the Hugo Relief <br />Fund. <br />Introduction of Candidate for City Council — Phil Klein <br />City staff received a request from a resident who is a candidate for the Hugo City Council. Resident <br />Phil Kline introduced himself to the City Council and public as a candidate for the City Council Ward 2 <br />Representative. Phil stated he has been a Hugo resident for 17 years and has experienced the increase in <br />population. He stated he liked the present Council's openness to residents and support for businesses, <br />and he wanted to become elected to continue to represent Hugo that way. <br />Introduction of Candidate for City Council — Tom Weidt <br />City staff has received a request from a resident who is a candidate for the Hugo City Council. Resident <br />Tom Weidt introduced himself to the City Council and public as a candidate for the City Council <br />Member at Large Representative. Tom explained he has been a member of the Parks and Recreation <br />Commission for four years and is currently on the Planning Commission for his fourth year. He has had <br />an opportunity to watch Hugo grow into a great place to live, work and play. Tom stated he wanted to <br />use his leadership skills and experience to continue to guide Hugo into the future on the path Hugo is on <br />today. <br />A forum will be held at City Hall on October 7, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Fran Miron encouraged the <br />community to attend. The event will be televised. <br />Introduction of Candidate for Commissioner - Dennis Hegber2 <br />Mayor Fran Miron introduced Commissioner Dennis Hegberg who was in attendance for a different <br />issue on the agenda. Commissioner Hegberg stated that he has served since 1989 and was seeking <br />reelection as District 1 Representative, which includes Hugo. Hegberg said he has enjoyed working <br />with Hugo through some difficult changes and appreciated that Hugo has been very transparent and <br />open. He asked for support in the election and stated it has been an honor to represent Hugo. <br />Approval of Consent Aienda <br />Approval of Claims <br />Approve Job Description and Authorization to Staff to Advertise for Senior Engineering Technician <br />Approve Lawful Gambling Permit for White Bear Fast Pitch at Hugo American Legion on March 28, <br />2009 <br />Approve Hire of Brian Denaway as Temporary Permit Technician <br />
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