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Hugo City Council Minutes October 6, 2008 <br />Page 3 of 9 <br />Approve Variance for Shoreland Setback for an Addition at 12727 Homestead Drive - Bryan and Megan <br />Schmidt <br />Approve Appointment Adam Greeder as Apprentice Public Works Worker <br />Approve Six-month Probationary Period for Community Development Assistant Dennis Fields and <br />Appoint as Regular Employee <br />Approve Reimbursement to City Employees for Damage to Personal Vehicles <br />Approve City Sponsorship of the Hugo Health Fair on November 8, 2008 <br />Approve Pay Request No.9 from EnComm Midwest, Inc. for Well House No. 5 <br />Approval of Claims <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Claims Roster as presented. <br />Approve Job Description and Authorization to Staff to Advertise for Senior Engineering <br />Technician <br />At its September 15, 2008 meeting, the Hugo City Council appointed Scott Anderson as the City's new <br />Public Works Director replacing Chris Petree who left the City in July for the Lakeville Public Works <br />Director position. Scott had been the City's Senior Engineering Technician for the past five years <br />providing a high level of professional engineering services both at City Hall and in the field as a <br />construction supervisor for a number of public improvement projects. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the job description for the Senior Engineering Technician, and authorized staff to advertise for <br />the position to fill the vacancy by the promotion of Scott Anderson by the end of the year. <br />Approve Lawful Gambling Permit for White Bear Fast Pitch at Hugo American Legion on March <br />28, 2009 <br />The City of Hugo has received an application for a lawful gambling permit for the White Bear Fast Pitch <br />Association to hold a charitable fundraiser at the Hugo American Legion on March 28, 2008. The <br />charitable gambling fundraiser would include bingo, raffles, and tip boards. City staff has reviewed the <br />application and found it to be satisfactorily complete. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />lawful gambling permit for the White Bear Fast Pitch Association for their charitable fundraiser at the <br />Hugo American Legion scheduled for March 28, 2009. <br />Approve Hire of Brian Denaway as Temporary Permit Technician <br />Brian Denaway was hired by the City of Hugo for an unpaid internship as the City's Communications <br />Intern on April 7, 2008. Over the past several months, Brian has worked hard on the Business Retention <br />and Expansion Committee and a wide variety of marketing and communication duties involving the <br />EDA and the HBA. After the May 25, 2008 tornado disaster, the City staffed the front counter <br />Receptionist/Building Permit Technician with volunteers from a number of local communities as well as <br />City staff including Brian. With the continued need to provide excellent customer service for this <br />position for the next two months through the construction season, staff has determined that Brian <br />Denaway can fill the position. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved appointment of Brian <br />Denaway as the Temporary Permit Technician at $10.00 an hour until November 28, 2008. <br />