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Hugo City Council Minutes October 6, 2008 <br />Page 6 of 9 <br />Development Bryan Bear explained how progress has been made in all areas. The only amendment to <br />the SUP is the change to the site plan. Staff has inspected the site and the property is in compliance. <br />Barb Connolly, 13475 Goodview Avenue North, said BESA has made tremendous improvements. <br />Council encouraged a open house event at BESA for the neighbors to attend and directed staff to keep <br />Kevin notified of progress on the site. <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2008-44 APPROVING A SPECIAL <br />USE PERMIT AMENDMENT AND REVIEW OF THE SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR BALD EAGLE <br />SPORTSMAN'S ASSOCIATION LOCATED AT 6557 125TH STREET NORTH. <br />Upon roll call voting Aye: Granger, Petryk, Haas, Miron <br />Abstain: Puleo <br />Motion carried. <br />Award of Sale of General Obligation Taxable Tax Increment Refunding Bond — Kathy Aho, <br />President of Springsted, Inc. <br />In November of 2000, the City issued Taxable G.O. Tax Increment Bonds in the amount of $1,885,000 <br />which were used to finance what has become the Bald Eagle Industrial Park. The Finance Department <br />requested a review of the current issue by the City's finance consultants, Springsted, Inc. who <br />determined the interest rate on the bonds could be lowered to between 4%-5%. Since that time staff, in <br />conjunction with Springsted, prepared an official statement for dissemination to potential bidders and <br />arranged for the bonds to be rated by Moody's Investor Service. Proposals were opened at 10:30 a.m. <br />on Monday, October 6, 2008. Three bids were received with the best net interest of 5.95%. Finance <br />Director Ron Otkin and Kathy Aho, President of Springsted, presented the bid tabulation to Council and <br />recommended Council reject all bids at this time. Also discussed was the Moody Bond Rating of Al that <br />was issued to the City as a result of well managed financial operations. <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to reject all bids for the sale of G.O. tax increment refunding <br />bonds. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Finance Director Ron Otkin will continue to monitor market conditions. <br />Report from Washington County on Request to State for Property Tax Relief <br />At its August 4, 2008 meeting, Council adopted a resolution supporting a joint effort with Washington <br />County to submit an application for property tax relief to the State of Minnesota for the residents and <br />their homes affected by the May 25, 2008 tornado disaster. Washington County staff and Kevin Corbid, <br />Director of Property Records and Tax Assessments, have received notification from the State of <br />Minnesota that they have approved the joint application for the County and the City's efforts to see a <br />property tax relief for those affected Hugo Residents. Community Development Director Bryan Bear <br />and City Assessor Frank Langer explained that 2008 tax abatements would affect properties damaged <br />over 50%, and 2009 tax credits were due to market value reductions. Mayor Miron thanked City <br />Assessor Frank Langer for donating his time in assessing the damaged homes. Commissioner Hegberg <br />advised those who receive these benefits to monitor their mortgages if these taxes were part of their <br />escrow accounts. <br />