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Hugo City Council Minutes October 6, 2008 <br />Page 5 of 9 <br />event included an assurance that the city would assist the responders in getting their vehicles repaired. <br />Fifteen city employees incurred damage to their personal vehicles, the vast majority of which was <br />covered by private insurance policies. These employees are now seeking to be reimbursed for the <br />deductibles they paid when they repaired their vehicles. The total amount involved is $7,850.00. These <br />amounts are over and above the normal operating costs incurred by the City in responding to this <br />tragedy, thus the city will be seeking state assistance in covering these expenditures. The Finance <br />Department requests official City Council approval prior to disbursing these funds. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the reimbursement to City employees for damage to personal vehicles <br />Approve City Sponsorship of the Hugo Health Fair on November 8, 2008 <br />On Saturday, November 8, 2008, the Oneka Chiropractic Clinic and members of the Hugo Business <br />Association will hold the fifth annual Hugo Health Fair at the Oneka Elementary School. The wellness <br />fair has grown each year with participation by members of the Hugo Business Association as well as <br />outside organizations like the American Red Cross and Salvation Army. The City has provided co- <br />sponsorship of the event in order to support the Hugo Business Association in its efforts to share <br />wellness opportunities with residents and their families. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />co-sponsorship for the third consecutive year for the Hugo Health Fair scheduled for Saturday, <br />November 8, 2008 at the Oneka Elementary School. <br />Approve Pay Request No .9 from EnComm Midwest, Inc. for Well House No. 5 <br />EnComm, Inc. has submitted Pay Request No. 9 to the City of Hugo for work completed to date on <br />construction of Well House No. 5. Public Works Director Scott Anderson has reviewed the pay request <br />and found it to be satisfactory for work completed on the project. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the Pay Request No. 9 from EnComm Midwest, Inc in the amount of $5,164.20 for work <br />completed to date on the construction of Well House No. 5. <br />Approve Bald Eagle Sportsman Association Special Use Permit Amendment and Review <br />Hugo Resident Kevin Rhodes asked this item to be removed from the Consent Agenda. <br />The Bald Eagle Sportsman Association (BESA) has a special use permit (SUP) to operate a gun club on <br />property located at 6557 125th Street. The gun club is requesting to amend its SUP to allow removal of <br />an office trailer and outhouse with a holding tank. They would then construct a 26x40 range office <br />building and install a 2000 gallon holding tank for the building. The proposed building will match the <br />other permanent buildings that are on the property. Staff visited the gun club on September 11, 2008 <br />and is not aware of any violations of the existing SUP. Condition 19 of the existing permit states that it <br />shall be reviewed prior to December 1St of the even -numbered years or if the SUP is amended or <br />violated. Staff finds BESA to be in compliance with the SUP. At its September 25, 2008 meeting, the <br />Planning Commission held a public hearing for consideration of this request to amend the SUP and for <br />review of the special use permit. There was no one that spoke at the public hearing besides Al Savage, <br />President of the gun club. Staff recommended approval of the SUP amendment and review of the SUP <br />for compliance. The Planning Commission unanimously approved the SUP amendment and SUP <br />review. Council Member Puleo refrained from the discussion on voting because he is a member of <br />BESA. <br />Kevin Rhodes, 12160 Upper Heather Avenue, had concerns that conditions in the resolution and existing <br />SUP have not been met, specifically issues of noise abatement and lead reclamation. Community <br />