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2008.11.17 CC Minutes
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City Council Minutes
2008 CC Minutes
2008.11.17 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Minutes for November 17, 2008 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />Haas made motion, Puleo seconded, to adopt ORDINANCE 2008-425 ESTABLISHING THE 129TH <br />STREET LIFT STATION SANITARY SEWER UTILITY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1. <br />Ayes: Puleo, Petryk, Haas, Miron <br />Nays: None <br />Motion carried. <br />Haas made motion, Puleo seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 2008-49 ADOPTING A <br />SCHEDULE OF FEES RELATING TO THE 129TH STREET LIFT STATION SANITARY SEWER <br />UTILITY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 <br />Ayes: Petryk, Haas, Puleo, Miron <br />Nays: None <br />Motion carried. <br />Hugo Tornado Disaster Toy Drive - Pete Pederse and Sandy Niemczyk <br />As Council was informed at its November 3, 2008 by Administrative Intern Shelly Clausen, the Long <br />Term Disaster Recovery Committee suggested working with the Hugo Fire Department for a collection <br />of toys during the annual toy drive and make them available to the families that were affected by the <br />May 25, 2008 tornado disaster. Chair of the Long Term Disaster Recovery Committee Jim Gondek <br />publicly thanked St. Johns Church, Salvation Army, United Way, Hugo Lions Club, Lino Lakes Lions <br />Club, and all others who contributed to the recovery fund, and he reiterated that the City of Hugo was <br />not involved with the distribution of those funds except providing an intern to provide administrative <br />support to the committee. He explained the next meeting would be the following morning and the <br />public was invited to attend. Meetings were expected to be less frequent, only once a month during <br />December, January, and February, with plans to dissolve the committee by June 1, 2009. Should there <br />still be money in the fund, he anticipated that notices would be sent out to the affected residents. He <br />encouraged continued donations to the fund as well as to the Christmas Decoration Drive and Hugo Toy <br />Drive. Jim thanked the various service organizations that had come forward to make these events <br />happen. Hugo Lions Member Pete Pedersen and member of the Women's Auxiliary Sandy Niemczyk <br />explained the Hugo Tornado Toy Drive would soon begin and encouraged donations of toys, food, and <br />money. Toys would be distributed by invitation to nearly 75 children on December 13, 14, and 15 at the <br />Rice Lake Centre Community Room with any remaining toys to be donated to the Hugo Food Shelf to <br />fulfill their needs, and toys still remaining would be donated to Toys for Tots. Checks should be made <br />payable to Hugo Tornado Toy Drive or the Women's Auxiliary, and there would be 15-18 drop off sites <br />around the City with City Hall being one of the locations. <br />Petition for Closure of Goodview Avenue South into Grant — Washington County Engineer Don <br />Theisen <br />Early in October 2008, the City of Hugo received a copy of a petition from White Bear Township that <br />residents living along Goodview Avenue south into the City of Grant had submitted both to the City of <br />Grant and White Bear Township for the proposed closure of Goodview Avenue. Residents signing the <br />petition were from both the City of Grant and White Bear Township who did not want to see the <br />hundreds of vehicle trips a day on the gravel road in front of their homes. White Bear Township <br />officials considered the petition at a meeting late October and were interested in resolving this issue. <br />
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