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2008.11.17 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2008 CC Minutes
2008.11.17 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Minutes for November 17, 2008 <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />City staff and City Engineer Jay Kennedy have been working with Washington County Engineer <br />officials, and Jay explained the road had been posted as a minimum maintenance road, and he showed <br />pictures of that portion of Goodview Avenue, which handles between 500-600 vehicle trips per day. <br />Washington County Engineer Don Theisen and County Commissioner Dennis Hegberg were at the <br />meeting and agreed the road needed to be updated for safety and public service reasons, and committed <br />to participate in discussions with the City of Grant after the first of the year to find a solution. Council <br />would discuss this as a goal during their upcoming 2009 Goal Setting Session. There was discussion <br />about the need to do minor maintenance to the road prior to the winter season. Public Works Director <br />Scott Anderson said they would be grading roads in the next few days and could include that portion of <br />Goodview. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to direct the staff to work with the City of Grant for Hugo Public <br />Works Department to do minor maintenance to Goodview Avenue south into Grant. <br />All ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approve Resolution Supporting Changes to the Green Acres Law by Minnesota State Legislature <br />At its November 3, 2008 meeting the Hugo City Council discussed the resolution adopted by the City of <br />Scandia requesting the State Legislature take actions to modify the Green Acres Legislation adopted in <br />the 2008 Minnesota Legislature session. Council agreed that the resolution is a formal method by which <br />to officially acknowledge the failings of the Green Acres Legislation as well as to make a formal request <br />to area legislatures to propose changes in the 2009 Legislative Session. City staff prepared a resolution <br />for the Council to consider and forward to area legislatures requesting formal action in the 2009 session. <br />County Commissioner Dennis Hegberg explained there was much discussion on the County Board level, <br />and it was agreed that there were many unresolved issues. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 2008-50 REQUESTING THAT THE <br />STATE LEGISLATURE RECONSIDER OR DELAY CHANGES IN THE MINNESOTA "GREEN <br />ACRES" LAW <br />Ayes: Haas, Puleo, Petryk Miron <br />Nays: None <br />Motion carried. <br />Discussion on Remaining Foundations in Tornado Disaster Area <br />For the past four months, City staff has informed the Hugo City Council about actions by residents, <br />mortgage companies, and banks regarding the open house foundations in the tornado disaster <br />neighborhood, which have not received timely action. The City of Hugo sent homeowners and <br />mortgage companies letters requesting that foundations be secured by winter in order to protect property <br />owners and neighbors. Administrative Intern Shelly Clausen and Community Development Director <br />Bryan Bear reviewed the three remaining properties with the Council. Shelly explained properties <br />located at 5051 159th Street North and 15830 Farnham Avenue North, owned by Alpine Capital and <br />vacant at the time of the tornado, had only foundations remaining. Those foundations had been filled <br />partially with hay and covered with a tarp. The Council could see from the photos shown that there was <br />still much debris left on the property and, though the foundations were surrounded by a snow fences, the <br />fences were in disrepair and properties were deemed a public safety hazard under Minnesota State <br />
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