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Hugo City Council Minutes for November 17, 2008 <br />Page 5 of 6 <br />Building Code 1300.0180 UNSAFE BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES. <br />Hass made motion, Miron seconded, to request staff notify the property owner that the properties were <br />deemed a safety hazard under Minnesota State Building Code, and they had two weeks to excavate the <br />foundation, fill it with approved soils, install silt fence, and grade and hydro -seed the property. If they <br />failed to complete the work, the City would do so and access the cost against the property. <br />All ayes. Motion carried. <br />The Council considered the property at 5581 Finley Bay North with a single family home on it that <br />required significant repairs. Shelly informed the Council she was told the home was in foreclosure and <br />nearing the Sheriff's Sale. Damage to the houses included a leaking roof, collapsed siding, boarded <br />doors and windows and broken glass on the lawn. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to contact the property owner and have them clean up the glass and <br />keep the City of Hugo apprised of any changes due to the Sheriff's Sale. <br />All ayes. Motion carried. <br />Review of Conditional Use Permit for Woodloch Stables <br />Woodloch Stables has a conditional use permit to allow the operation of rodeos, overnight camping in <br />association with the rodeos, and operation of a tack shop on property located at 5676 170th St N. The <br />conditional use permit was approved on June 5, 2000 and subject to renewal/review on June 2, 2005. <br />On August 30, 2008 there was an event held at Woodloch Stables for a Latin-American/ Mexican <br />Rodeo. During this event there were several violations of the conditional use permit. Staff discussed <br />with owner of the property Dan Ramberg methods which may prevent such issues in the future. The <br />solution that staff and Dan had agreed upon was an application/agreement for anyone who rents the <br />property in the future. This agreement would inform the applicant of certain terms and conditions in <br />which they would be responsible, as well as upholding the conditions stated in the conditional use <br />permit. Dan asked the Council for forgiveness for the poorly managed rodeo on August 30 and informed <br />the Council the Latin-American/Mexican Rodeo would not be allowed back. He explained the Dead <br />Broke Saddle Club raised funds through the rodeos held on the property, and the Saddle Club <br />contributed to the community. <br />Miron made motion, Puleo seconded, to accept the review of the Conditional Use Permit for Woodloch <br />Stables and allow for the continued operation of the Rodeo Arena. <br />All ayes. Motion carried. <br />Discussion on Federal Government Fund for Economic Development Stimulus Package <br />City Engineer Jay Kennedy shared with Council information he received in regards to proposed federal <br />government funds that will be issued for public improvement projects in the form of funding economic <br />development stimulus package, which may provide a funding opportunity for the City of Hugo to <br />consider. He explained the economic stimulus package would be looking for projects that would begin <br />within 90 days and the two intersection projects in Hugo on Highway 61 could be considered. If the <br />stimulus package was approved, there would be an application process. City Engineer Jay Kennedy <br />