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Hugo City Council Minutes for December 1, 2008 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />Approve Leave of Absence for HFD Firefighter Don Sames <br />Fire Chief Jim Compton met recently with Firefighter Don Sames to discuss a leave of absence which he <br />respectfully requests to address some personal matters. Fire Chief Compton agrees that a leave of <br />absence is essential to allow Don time to address personal issues which are in conflict with his <br />firefighter duties. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved a three-month leave of absence for <br />Firefighter Don Sames until March 1, 2009. <br />Approve Appointment of Steve Duff as Senior Engineering Technician <br />At its October 6, 2008 meeting, the Hugo City Council approved the revised job description for the <br />Senior Engineering Technician position and authorized staff to advertise for the position vacated by <br />Scott Anderson who was promoted to the Public Works Director position. The City of Hugo received a <br />total of 32 applications for the position of which 10 were selected for interviews. On November 13, <br />2008, City staff conducted interviews of the applicants with the interview team consisting of Public <br />Works Director Scott Anderson, City Engineer Jay Kennedy, Community Development Director Bryan <br />Bear, and City Administrator Mike Ericson with final first round interviews conducted on Tuesday, <br />November 18, 2008. After thoroughly reviewing the scoring of the applicants, staff unanimously agreed <br />that the candidate who scored the highest is the clear choice, and second round interviews were not <br />required. The successful candidate has more than 25 years of public service with both the Cities of <br />White Bear Lake and Chisago City with many years as a senior engineering technician with a primary <br />role as project manager for street reconstruction projects. The successful candidate was also one of <br />three finalists interviewed by the City of Hugo five years ago when the position was first created. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved appointment of Steve Duff as the new Senior Engineering <br />Technician subject to the standard pre-employment physical and six-month probationary period at Pay <br />Grade 7, Step 4. <br />Approve Variance for 12582 Ingersoll Avenue for Septic System — Dan and Ranell Tennyson <br />Dan and Ranell Tennyson, 12582 Ingersoll Avenue North, are requesting a variance to locate a septic <br />system 45 feet from the ordinary high water (OHW) mark of Sunset Lake where 75 feet is required by <br />ordinance. Hugo City Code, Chapter 90, Section 90-137, classifies Sunset Lake as a Recreational <br />Development Lake and requires a 75 foot setback for all septic systems located on the lake. At its <br />November 13, 2008 meeting the Board of Zoning considered the variance request of Dan and Ranell <br />Tennyson at a public hearing. There was no one that spoke on the request at the public hearing. Staff <br />recommended approval of the application to the Board. The Board unanimously recommended approval <br />of the variance request to the City Council. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION <br />2008-52 APPROVING VARIANCES FOR DANIEL AND RANELL TENNYSON IN THE RURAL <br />RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 12582 INGERSOLL AVENUE <br />NORTH. <br />Approve Snowmobile Trail Application for Hugo Snowmobile Club <br />Each year, the Hugo Snowmobile Club submits its trail application to the City for the purpose of <br />providing public recreational snowmobile trails during the winter. The application is for the public trails <br />outside of the popular Hardwood Creek Trail. City staff reviewed the application and found it to be <br />satisfactory complete along with a copy of the insurance policy naming the City of Hugo as additionally <br />insured. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the 2008-2009 annual trail application from the <br />Hugo Snowmobile Club. <br />