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Hugo City Council Minutes for December 1, 2008 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />Approve Snowmobile Trail Application for Rice Creek Snowmobile Association <br />Each year, the Rice Creek Trail Snowmobile Club submits its trail application to the City for the purpose <br />of providing public recreational snowmobile trails during the winter. City staff reviewed the application <br />and found it to be satisfactory complete along with a copy of the insurance policy naming the City of <br />Hugo as additionally insured. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the 2008-2009 annual trail <br />application for the Rice Creek Trail Snowmobile Club. <br />Approve Lawful Gambling Permit for Hugo PTA at Hugo American Legion on February 6, 2009 <br />The City of Hugo has received a Lawful Gambling Permit application from the Hugo PTA for it's <br />annual Gold Plate Dinner at the Hugo American Legion on February 6, 2008. As Council is aware, this <br />annual event is the PTA's primary fundraiser to raise funds which help Oneka Elementary School <br />students defray costs of field trips, visiting lecturers and motivational speakers for the school children. <br />City staff has reviewed the application and found it to be satisfactory complete. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the Lawful Gambling Permit for the Hugo PTA to hold its annual Gold Plate <br />Dinner at the Hugo American Legion on February 6, 2009. <br />Approve Lawful Gambling Permit for Mahtomedi Area Educational Foundation at Hugo <br />American Legion on December 14, 2008 <br />City staff has received an application for a Lawful Gambling Permit from the Mahtomedi Area <br />Educational Foundation to hold its annual fundraising event at the Hugo American Legion on December <br />14, 2008. This annual fundraising event is an opportunity for the Foundation to raise funds for <br />worthwhile educational opportunities for both facility and students. Staff has reviewed the application <br />and found it to be satisfactory complete. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Lawful <br />Gambling Permit for the Mahtomedi Area Educational Foundation to hold its annual fundraiser at the <br />Hugo American Legion on December 14, 2008. <br />Approve Membership Renewal and Letter of Agreement with Community Volunteer Service and <br />Senior Centers <br />The City of Hugo has been a partner with the Community Volunteer Service group for the past three <br />years engaging in volunteer opportunities for Hugo resident to help out their community. This <br />partnership is a great opportunity for the City of Hugo to work with volunteers and seniors making the <br />City of Hugo a great place to live and work. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the annual <br />membership renewal and letter of agreement with the Community Volunteer Service and Senior Centers <br />to continue to promote service to Hugo residents. <br />Public Hearing on the Proposed 2009 City Budget — Finance Director Ron Otkin <br />At its September 2, 2008 meeting, Hugo City Council set the City of Hugo's preliminary tax levy of <br />$5,329,096 for the proposed 2009 City Budget. The City Council also selected Monday, December 1, <br />2008 as the City's annual Truth -in -Taxation public hearing. For the past couple of months, the Hugo <br />City Council held workshops at which they reviewed the proposed 2009 City Budget with Finance <br />Director Ron Otkin and City staff. As Council is aware, the Truth -in -Taxation public hearing is an <br />opportunity for residents and property owners to share their public comments on the proposed 2009 <br />City Budget. Finance Director Ron Otkin provided a budget presentation and explained that the City of <br />Hugo has a 34.941 % tax rate, which is a decrease on residential parcels for the sixth consecutive year. <br />