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Hugo City Council Minutes for December 15, 2008 <br />Page 2 of 11 <br />Approve Resolution Certifying Delinquent Utility Accounts <br />Approve Reappointment of Bob Rosenquist for Planning Commission <br />Approve Reappointment Jim Bever to EDA <br />Approve Reappointment of Noel Schmidt to the Parks and Recreation Commission <br />Approve Reappointment of Dan Gabrielli to the Parks and Recreation Commission <br />Approve Advertisement for Vacancy on Planning Commission <br />Approve Advertisement for Vacancy on Parks and Recreation Commission <br />Approve Hire of Bob Bienek to the Hugo Fire Department as a Probationary Firefighter as a Daytime <br />Responder <br />Acceptance of Public Improvements Along Everton Ave. N. Relating to the Frenchman Place <br />Development <br />Approval of Claims <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Claims Roster as presented. <br />Approve Resolution for Renewal of 2009 On -Sale Liquor Licenses and Related Licenses <br />Each year, the City Clerk's office prepares application packets for businesses seeking the renewal of <br />liquor licenses, tobacco licenses and game licenses. Staff has prepared the annual renewal list, which <br />includes certificates of liability insurance, payment of all required fees and taxes, and completion of <br />application materials. City staff recommended Council approved the resolution approving the annual <br />renewal for the 2009 liquor licenses and related licenses, subject to payment of all requested fees, taxes, <br />and certificates of liquor liability insurance. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />RESOLUTION 2008-53 APPROVING THE 2009 LIQUOR LICENSES & RELATED LICENSES. <br />Approve Renewal of 2009 Refuse Hauler Licenses <br />The City has six refuse haulers, who provide refuse collection and recycling services. The haulers are: <br />Maroney's Sanitation; Ace Solid Waste; MN Waste Management; SRC, Inc.; Gene's Disposal; and BFI <br />Waste Services. City staff received renewal applications from all six haulers, and they have paid their <br />annual licensing fee of $165. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the issuance of 2009 refuse <br />haulers licenses to: Maroney's Sanitation; Ace Solid Waste; MN Waste Management; SRC, Inc.; <br />Gene's Disposal; and BFI Waste Services. <br />Approve Resolution Establishing 2009 Salaries and Reimbursement Rates <br />At its September 12, 2008 budget workshop, Council agreed with the proposed 2009 City budget and <br />recommendations for City salaries, with an overall target increase of less than 4%. Finance Director <br />Ron Otkin and City Administrator Mike Ericson prepared the proposed 2009 City wages and salaries, <br />which reflects a cost of living adjustment of 2.5% with an overall increase of 3.9%. City staff <br />recommended Council approve the resolution approving the 2009 City employee wages and salaries <br />schedule as presented. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2008-54 SETTING <br />2009 SALARIES FOR CITY EMPLOYEES AND ESTABLISHING EMPLOYEE <br />REIMBURSEMENT LEVELS. <br />