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Hugo City Council Minutes for December 15, 2008 <br />Page 3 of 11 <br />Approve Ordinance Establishing 2009 City Fee Schedule <br />Each year in December, Council, upon recommendation from the Finance Department, adopts a new fee <br />schedule that incorporates any necessary adjustment in fees for the upcoming year. Finance Director <br />Ron Otkin worked with City staff to make adjustments to the 2009 City fee schedule. City staff <br />recommended Council approve the ordinance adopting the 2009 City fee schedule. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved ORDINANCE 2008-426 AUTHORIZING ESTABLISHMENT OF FEES, <br />RATES AND CHARGES. <br />Approve Resolution Certifying Delinquent Utility Accounts <br />Annually, the Finance Department reviews all delinquent utility bills, which are the result of <br />nonpayment or underpayment of water and sewer utility bills. In accordance with City ordinance, <br />Council is required to adopt a resolution to certify delinquent utility bills to the property tax rolls. <br />Property owners who have not paid their outstanding utility bill will have it certified to the property tax <br />rolls. City staff recommended Council approve the resolution certifying delinquent utility bills for <br />placement on property tax statements. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION <br />2008-55 DECLARING UNPAID UTILITY BILLS BE PLACED ON THE PROPERTY TAX ROLLS. <br />Approve Reappointment of Bob Rosenquist for Planning Commission <br />In January 2001, Bob Rosenquist was appointed to the Hugo Planning Commission and has served on <br />the Planning Commission since that appointment. On December 21, 2008 Bob's term on the <br />Commission will expire. Community Development Director Bryan Bear has spoke to Bob Rosenquist <br />who is requesting to be reappointed to the Planning Commission for another four-year term. Adoption <br />of the Consent Agenda approved the reappointment of Bob Rosenquist to the Planning Commission for <br />another four-year term to expire on December 31, 2012. <br />Approve Reappointment Jim Bever to EDA <br />Jim Bever began serving on the Hugo EDA was on October 26, 2004. Community Development <br />Director Bryan Bear spoke to Jim who indicated he would like to be reappointed for another six-year <br />term on the Hugo EDA Commission. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the reappointment of <br />Jim Bever to the EDA for another six-year term to expire on December 31, 2014. <br />Approve Reappointment of Noel Schmidt to the Parks and Recreation Commission <br />September 4, 2007, Noel Schmidt was appointed to the Hugo Parks and Recreation Commission to serve <br />the remaining term of Tony Groff, which is expiring on December 31, 2008. Public Works Director <br />Scott Anderson has spoke to Noel who has indicated he is interested in serving a three-year term on the <br />Parks Commission. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the reappointment of Noel Schmidt to <br />the Parks and Recreation Commission for a three-year term to expire on December 31, 2011. <br />Approve Reappointment of Dan Gabrielli to the Parks and Recreation Commission <br />Dan Gabrielli has served on the Parks and Recreation Commission since May 11, 2005 with his term to <br />expire on December 31, 2008. Public Works Director Scott Anderson has spoke to Dan who has <br />indicated he is interested in serving another three-year term on the Parks Commission. Adoption of the <br />