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RESOLUTION 1990-14 <br />RESOLUTION DESIGNATING LOCAL STREET SPEED LIMITS <br />WHEREAS, Pursuant to MB Chapter 169.14, and all applicable <br />subdivisions thereof, the City of Hugo has requested MNDOT authorization <br />for establishment of speed limits on certain municipal streets; and <br />WHEREAS, The City Council is desirous of having Washington County <br />Public Works Department make and install the signs in question consistent <br />with MNDOT's speed limit authorization; and <br />WHEREAS, MNB0T requires that the appropriate advance curve and warning <br />signs, including appropriate speed advisory plates, be installed on the <br />roadways in addition to the speed limit signs; and <br />WHEREAS, All warning signs and speed limit signs shall be placed in <br />accordance with Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices 1986; <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HU8O, <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA: <br />That speed limits be established and the appropriate signing be installed <br />as follows: <br />1. 177th Street North - 30 miles per hour between the intersection with <br />Trunk Highway 61 and the intersection with Greystone Avenue. <br />2. Ingersoll Avenue - 55 miles per hour between the intersection with <br />165th Street No and the intersection with County State Aid Highway 4. <br />3. 165th Street North - 35 miles per hour between the intersection with <br />Trunk Highway 61 and a point approximately 1400 feet east of the <br />intersection with Trunk Highway 61. <br />55 miles per hour between a point approximately 1400 feet east of the <br />imterestion with Trunk Highway 61 and the intersection with Ingersoll <br />4. Hyde Avenue - 30 miles per hour between the intersection with County <br />State Aid Highway BA and the intersection with 147th Street. <br />5. Harrow Avenue - 50 miles per hour between the intersection with 157th <br />Street North and the intersection with 165th Street North. <br />6. 147th Street - 30 miles per hour between the intersection with Trunk <br />Highway 61 and the intersection with Freeland Avenue. <br />7. Oneka Lake Boulevard - 30 miles per hour between the intersection with <br />Freeland Avenue and a point approximately 700 feet east of the west <br />junction with Geneva Avenue. <br />45 miles per hour between a point approximately 700 feet east of the <br />