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, <br />~ = <br />B. Goodview Avenue - 50 miles per hour between the intersection with <br />County State Aid Highway 8A and the south City limits of Hugo (a <br />length of approximately 1.8 miles). <br />9. 130th Street North - 50 miles per hour between the intersection with <br />Trunk Highway 61 and the intersection with Goodview Avenue. <br />10. 35 miles per hour between the intersection with 120th <br />Street North and the intersection with 126th Street North. <br />The above speed limits are authorized contingent upon curves and hazards <br />being signed with the appropriate advance curve or warning signs, <br />including appropriate speed advisory plates. The roadways described above <br />shall be reviewed for traffic control devices impacted by the authorized <br />speed limits before posting the signs. Warning signs and speed limit <br />signs shall be in accordance with the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic <br />Control Devices 1986. <br />Upon roll call, the following members voted AYE: McAllister, Jesinski <br />Vail, Atkinson ' <br />Voting NAY: Robert Olson <br />Whereupon said resolution was declared passed and adopt --4 this 7th day of <br />May, 1990. »" 1 ^r <br />c <br />nson. Mayor <br />