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all <br />C3 <br />un If the state legislature mandates reductions in the principal sources <br />of revenue for local government agencies, that the State of Minnesota <br />do likewise in reducing its primary sources of revenue (income tax., <br />sales tax, gasoline tax, etc.) by the same percentage. <br />9. Our representatives support a posture that if local government <br />agencies must continue to provide services and comply with legislative <br />mandates with reduced revenues, then so should the State of Minnesota <br />and its agencies. <br />10. The real estate tax formulas for the State of Minnesota be simplified <br />but not at the expense of local government agencies. <br />11. Renter's credit be reinstated. <br />12. Support legislation to maintain water quality and prevent <br />contamination to wells. <br />Upon roll call the following members voted AYE: Theodora Peltier, Arthur <br />Potts, Robert Olson, Deane Vail, George Atkinson <br />Upon roll call the following members voted NAY: NONE <br />ADOPTED AND PASSED THIS 16TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1988. <br />OC <br />ear irsK. Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />Mary & Creager, Cit lerk <br />