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r <br />-1J �,. <br />RESOLUTION NO. J <br />/03. 0/ <br />A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING RULES FOR THE ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURES <br />OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF HUGO, MINNESOTA. <br />The Village Council of the Village of Hugo determines that: <br />WHEREAS, it is desirable to establish rules for the Organ- <br />ization and Procedures of the Village Council of Hugo, Minnesota, . <br />in order to provide for orderly administration of the affairs of the <br />Village of Hugo at meetings of the Village Council, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Rules for the organi- <br />zation and Procedures of the Village Council of Hugo, Minnesota, be <br />established as follows: <br />Section 1. MEETINGS. <br />Subd. 1. Regular meetings of the Village Council <br />shall be held on the first and third Monday of each <br />calendar month at 7:00 o'clock P.M.. Any regular <br />meeting falling upon a holiday shall be held on <br />the next following business day at the same time <br />and place. All meetings, including special and <br />adjourned meetings, shall be held in the Village <br />Hall. <br />Subd. 2. Special meetings of the Council may be <br />called by the Mayor or by any two members of the <br />Council by writing filed with the Clerk. At least <br />two days before the meeting the Clerk.shall notify <br />each member of the time, place, and purpose of the <br />meeting by causing written notice thereof to be <br />deposited in the United States mail, postage paid, <br />and addressed to the respective members. At least <br />one day before the special meeting the Clerk shall <br />confirm the special meeting by telephone with each <br />of the members, or with some person of suitable <br />age and discretion at the home of the members. <br />Special meetings may be held without prior written <br />notice when all Council members are present at the <br />meeting or consent thereto in writing. Such consent <br />shall be filed with the Clerk prior to the beginning <br />of the meeting. Any special meeting attended by all <br />the Council members shall be a valid meeting for the <br />transaction of any business that may come before the <br />meeting. <br />