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1972.03.20 RESO 1972-03
City Council
City Council Resolutions
1972 CC Resolutions
1972.03.20 RESO 1972-03
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10/26/2017 2:03:16 PM
Creation date
1/22/2015 10:54:58 AM
City Council
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Meeting Type
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Subd. 3. At the first regular Council meeting in <br />January of each year the Council shall (1) Designate <br />the depositories of Village funds; (2) Designate <br />the official newspaper; (3) Choose an acting Mayor <br />from the Councilmen, who shall perform the duties <br />of the Mayor during the disability or absence of <br />the Mayor from the Village or, in case of a vacancy <br />in the office of Mayor, until a successor has been <br />appointed and qualifies; (4) Appoint such officers <br />and employees and such members of boards, commissions, <br />and committees as may be necessary. <br />Subd. 4. All Council meetings, including special <br />and adjourned meetings, shall be open to the public. <br />Section 2. PRESIDING OFFICER. <br />Subd. 1. The Mayor shall preside at all meetings <br />of the Council. In the absence of the Mayor, the <br />acting Mayor shall preside. In the absence of both, <br />the Clerk shall call the meeting to order and shall <br />preside until the Council members present at the <br />meeting choose one of their number to act temporarily <br />as presiding officer. In no.event shall the Clerk <br />vote on any matter considered by the Council. <br />Subd. 2. The presiding officer shall preserve or- <br />der, enforce the rules of procedure herein prescribed, <br />and determine without debate, subject to the final <br />decision of the Council on appeal, all questions of <br />procedure and order. Except as otherwise provided <br />by statute or by these rules, the proceedings of <br />the Council shall be conducted in accordance with <br />"Robert's Rules of Order Revised". <br />Subd. 3. Any member may appeal to the Council from <br />a ruling of the presiding officer. If the appeal <br />is seconded, the member may speak once solely on the <br />question involved and the presiding officer may ex- <br />plain his ruling, but no other Council member shall <br />participate in the discussion. The appeal shall be <br />sustained if it is approved by a majority of the <br />members present exclusive of the presiding officer. <br />Subd. 4. The Mayor or such other member of the <br />Council as may be presiding may move, second, and <br />debate from the chair. The presiding officer shall <br />not be deprived of any of the privileges of a Council <br />member by reason of his acting as the presiding officer. <br />
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