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­07- <br />Section <br />07- <br />Section 3. MINUTES. <br />/03.01 <br />Subd. 1. Minutes of each Council meeting shall be <br />kept by the Clerk, or in his absence, by the Deputy <br />Clerk. In the absence of both, the presiding officer <br />shall appoint a secretary pro tem. Ordinances, res- <br />olutions, and claims need not be recorded in full <br />in the minutes if they appear in other permanent <br />records of the Clerk and can be accurately identified <br />from the description given in the minutes. <br />Subd. 2. The minutes of each meeting shall be <br />reduced to typewritten form, shall be signed by the <br />Clerk, and copies thereof shall be deposited in the <br />United States mail, postage paid, and addressed to <br />each Council member as soon as practicable after <br />the meeting. At the next regular Council meeting <br />following such delivery, approval of the minutes <br />shall be considered by the Council. The minutes <br />need not be read aloud, but the presiding officer <br />shall call for any additions or corrections. If <br />there is no objection to a proposed addition or cor- <br />rection, it may be made without a vote of the Council. <br />If there is an objection, the Council shall vote upon <br />the addition or correction. If there are no addi- <br />tions or corrections, the minutes shall stand approved. <br />Section 4. ORDER OF BUSINESS. <br />Subd. 1. Each meeting of the Council shall convene <br />at the time and place appointed therefor. Council <br />business shall be conducted in the following order: <br />(1) Call to order <br />(2) Roll Call <br />(3) Approval of minutes <br />(4) Approval of Claims <br />(5) Public hearings <br />(6) Petitions, requests, and communications <br />(7) Ordinances and resolutions <br />(8) Reports of officers, boards, and committeE <br />(9) Unfinished business <br />(10) New business <br />(11) Miscellaneous <br />(12) Adjournment <br />Subd. 2. The order of business may be varied by the <br />presiding officer; but all public hearings shall be <br />held at the time specified in the notice of hearing. <br />s <br />