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Immop /oV0001 <br />RESOLUTION NO. <br />A RESOLUTIOIJ ES`I'ABLISiiING A BOUNTY ON POCKET G <br />THE VILLAGE OF hUGO, OPIiF�RS CAPTURED INT <br />4IN,dESO`1'A, AND AUTHORIZI<1G THE' <br />P <br />OF A BOUr4TY PAYMASTER FOR RL'CEIVITIG CLAIb1S AND PAYING BOU dTIES j,O�4 <br />POCKET GOPHERS, AND ESTABLISriI1G COIMPENSATI0i4 FOR THE B <br />MASTER. <br />OUi41 Y PAY-- <br />'1'th Village <br />that: at: <br />Council of the Village of Iiugo, i"i;inesota, <br />W HE RE AS, packet cro l:Zc�3-s constitute a nuisance, , - <br />to agriculture, and are harmful to the Public safet r are detrimental <br />the Village of Iiugo; and Y welfare in <br />gophers <br />it has been deemed desirable to control the number <br />Of- packet gok�ners cait"In the Village of 1-iugo; and <br />WRERLAS, it has L)0011 determined that a bystem is <br />s <br />an effective aici in the control of Docket goApnc�rs. <br />.1 OW, THEREFORE;, BE IT Ri SOLVED, that a bount <br />gophers captured in the Village of Hugo, ilinnesota, beyestablisoil k .t <br />and paid as fol lovas : <br />Section 1. BOUNTY PAY -ASTER. The office of Bounty Pay- <br />master is established to administer the provisions of this Resolution, <br />and the .'Mayor shall fog-thwith a.DPoint a reside <br />nt to approval <br />as Bounty Paymaster, said ar�pointrf entebe ng`�sub�ect <br />to approval of the Villa Coy.,:.cil. J <br />Section 2. BOUigTY FU 4D. Upon appointment and qualification <br />of a 30unty Paymaster, as herein provided the <br />authorize the Village Treasurer to advance the sur lofe$100Cous0plto�t he <br />Bourity Paymaster to be aisbur_sed 'D tI <br />with the provisions of this Resolutions B n Ythe master Fn accordance <br />depleted to a balance of' <br />f $10.00, or less, the BountyPaymasteryand is <br />make report to thr Village Council, together ,vi til r,luestfor l <br />addi- <br />tional Bounty Funds as riic:v a;)Pear to reasonably � e <br />the balance be�,,sar.�,� for <br />of tt10 Bounty Period, as hereinafter defined. <br />Section 3. BOUiITY. A Lounty of 25� si1,�.11 be paid by tiie <br />a <br />Bounty Paymaster to nyone surr_cliciering the two front feel: of ally <br />pocket gopher castureci in the Village of Lugo, <br />rendered during the i3ounty P` riod hilin,1. seta, and sur- <br />ereinafter uefined. <br />Section 4. I30Ui4TY PERIOD. The Bounty y } <br />here=in desfinoc , for pour:ut co �i�ers captor '-1i 11 be paid, as <br />Bounty Paymaster after ,7u1.y J15 and prior to Dcc cmbc relder.eci to t110 <br />