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Section 5. I -,OU TY RECORD. The Bounty Paymaster shall <br />(1) transrni t one <br />prepare a record in triplicate of each Bounty transaction, and shall <br />copy to tale Bount- <br />payment, iti <br />(2) transmit one copy to+trreeViplane Clerx nq "an41 d tae Bounty <br />one copy as a record of the transaction. ( ) retain <br />at least the name and address The record shall contain <br />the transaction, the nwt�}�er�s o� the Bounty recipient, the date of <br />o <br />ment was made, and the total amount eofgBounts for which Bownty pay - <br />y paid. <br />Section 6. BOUNTY PAYI�iASTER FEE. The Bounty Paymaster <br />shall be paid a fee computed as `en <br />the Bounty fees disbursed during percent (100-6) o� <br />Bothe amount of <br />the Village Clerk, as herein rec�uitredunty Period and reported to <br />Section 7. BOUNTY PUND ACCOUNTING. <br />meeting of tyre Village Council folloc�ing December thetnext regular <br />lPay- <br />waster shall provide a written sunuaary of Bounty transactions <br />occurring during ttre Bounty Period, and shall therewith refund the <br />balance of the Bounty Fund to the Village of Iiugo. <br />Section 8. RESOLUTIOIJ REVIEW. This Resolution shall be <br />reviewed on or before the annual budget meeting for the Village of <br />Hugo, for purposes of determining whether a budget item will be <br />included for payment of Gopher Mounties for the next year. This <br />Resolution shall either be renewed for the next year, or shall <br />terminate automatically on December 31. <br />Adopted and passed by the Council this I day of May., 1972. <br />ATTEST: <br />CLERK <br />t <br />MAYOR <br />