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2007.01.02 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2007 CC Minutes
2007.01.02 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of January 2, 2007 <br />Page 5 <br />APPROVE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW FOR BUILDING INSPECTOR SCOTT <br />BALLER <br />Scott Bailer was hired by the City on January 1, 2006 as one of the City's new building inspectors. Scott <br />had previously served a paid and unpaid internship during the summer of 2005 where he demonstrated <br />an excellent work ethic and eagerness to learn all aspects of building inspection. Over the past year, <br />Scott has worked diligently on his building inspector skills and has proven to be a thorough and well <br />respected building inspector in the residential construction industry. Scott has a can do attitude with an <br />attentive eye to detail and comes to work every day ready to perform his duties. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the annual performance review for building inspector Scott Bailer. <br />APPROVE APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM FOR PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AND <br />INTERNSHIP PROGRAM <br />At its October 3, 2006 budget workshop, Council discussed the proposed 2007 City budget. City staff <br />presented two staffing considerations for Council, including the creation of an apprenticeship program <br />for the public works department in order to provide entry level positions for individuals with no specific <br />skill sets for public works duties. PW Director Chris Petree identified one of his seasonal employees as <br />a candidate likely for consideration for this newly -created apprentice public works maintenance worker. <br />Staff has provided for Council a description of an apprenticeship program similar those in the building <br />trades industry, whereby over a period of three years, a candidate would earn percentages of the entry <br />level wage rate under which each successful evaluation would receive a specific percentage increase. <br />Administrative intern Matt Stemwedel has worked with PW Director Chris Petree and developed a <br />proposed apprenticeship program, which would be adopted as part of the City's personnel policy. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the apprenticeship and internship programs and authorized <br />staff to include them as an amendment to the City's personnel policy. <br />APPROVE APPOINTMENT OF RYAN MCCULLOUGH AS PUBLIC WORKS APPRENTICE <br />Ryan McCullough was hired by the City in 2005 as one of the new summer seasonal employees. Over <br />the past two years, Ryan has worked hard in completing his summer seasonal worker duties, <br />demonstrating an excellent work ethic and commitment to the public works department. Ryan is always <br />on time, completes his work on time, and is willing to learn any and all duties of a public works worker. <br />Ryan grew up in the City of Hugo and has a strong desire to give back to his community. Adoption of <br />the Consent Agenda appointed Ryan McCullough as the new public works apprentice, subject to a pre- <br />employment physical and a six month probationary period. <br />APPROVE VARIANCE REQUEST FOR BUILDING ADDITION AT 9113122ND ST (DAVE <br />GREEDER) <br />David Greeder, 9113 122' Street North (C.S.A.H. 7), has applied for a variance to permit an addition to <br />the existing home to be located 19 feet from the right-of-way where 40 feet is required by ordinance. <br />The Board of Zoning Appeals and Adjustments considered this application at their December 14, 2006 <br />meeting and unanimously recommended approval. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />variance for a 19 foot front yard setback for Dave Greeder at 9113 122nd Street North. <br />
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