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City Council meeting of January 2, 2007 <br />Page 6 <br />APPROVE RESIGNATION OF DON WOLKERSTORFER FROM SERVICE ON HFI) <br />City staff received a letter of resignation from Don Wolkerstorfer, an 8 -year firefighter on the HFD. <br />Don's family and work responsibilities do not allow him to spend a sufficient amount of time to the <br />department. Adoption of the Consent Agenda accepted the letter of resignation from Don Wolkerstorfer <br />and publicly thanked him for his eight years of dedicated service to the City of Hugo. <br />APPROVE ADOPTION OF WASHINGTON COUNTY HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN <br />The City of Hugo has participated in the Washington County Hazard Mitigation Plan, which was <br />established under the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000. The plan includes a risk assessment and <br />mitigation strategy, including goals and objectives for specific mitigation projects and costs. The plan <br />has been shared with the Minnesota Division of Homeland Security and Federal Emergency <br />Management Agency. Fire Chief Jim Compton and the Washington County Fire Chiefs have formally <br />endorsed the adoption of the plan for any and all hazard mitigation emergencies. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda adopted Resolution 2007-1 supporting the county plan and the adoption of the all - <br />hazard mitigation plan for Washington County. <br />APPROVE DONATION FOR WITHROW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PLAYGROUND <br />PROJECT <br />Parks Commission Chair Roger Clarke and PW Director Chris Petree were contacted by representatives <br />from Withrow Elementary School seeking City assistance in funding new playground equipment. The <br />current equipment is not compliant with safety regulations and the Withrow PTA was seeking funding <br />assistance from the Stillwater school district, May Township, Stillwater Township, private companies <br />and the City of Hugo for updating the antiquated playground equipment. At its December 13, 2006 <br />meeting, the Hugo Parks and Recreation Commission considered the donation request from Withrow <br />Elementary School and agreed to fund a proportional share, similar to the equipment purchase at Oneka <br />Elementary School by the City and the WBL school district, as well as the playground equipment at <br />Hugo Elementary School. The commission agreed that this was a worthwhile donation from the City's <br />parkland dedication fund for the purchase and installation of new playground equipment. The <br />equipment is scheduled to be installed in spring 2007, at a total cost of $40,000. Stillwater school <br />district, May Township, Stillwater Township, local cub scouts, Withrow PTA, and private companies <br />have all agreed to donate funds to the playground project. Withrow PTA is requesting an $8,700 <br />donation from the City of Hugo. Adoption of the Consent Agenda authorized a donation of $8,700 to <br />the Withrow Elementary PTA for its playground. <br />APPROVE PURCHASE OF PICKUP TRUCK FOR PUBLIC WORKS <br />Included in the 2007 City budget, the public works department identified the need to purchase an <br />additional pickup truck to continue the efficient operation of its department with 15 full-time and <br />seasonal staff planned for the summer 2007. The truck will be a general fleet vehicle and will be utilized <br />in all areas by public works employees. Council member Mike Granger has reviewed the purchase and <br />agreed to support the decision to purchase it. The truck would be purchased, as with all other trucks, <br />through the state Cooperative Purchasing Venture (CPV). Polar Chevrolet from WBL holds the state <br />contract for this year. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the purchase of a 2007 Chevrolet <br />