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2007.01.16 CC Mintues
City Council
City Council Minutes
2007 CC Minutes
2007.01.16 CC Mintues
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City Council meeting of January 16, 2007 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE ADOPTION OF BYLAWS FOR HUGO FIREFIGHTERS RELIEF ASSN. <br />Over the past several months, members of the Hugo Firefighters Relief Association have reviewed the <br />current bylaws for any necessary modifications or changes. There were a few non -substantive changes <br />to the bylaws that have recommended for approval by the Relief Association and its President Tony <br />Bronk. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the adoption of the revised bylaws for the Hugo <br />Firefighters Relief Association. <br />APPROVE AMENDMENT TO CITY ORDINANCE FOR ADJUSTMENT OF TERM <br />EXPIRATION FOR PARKS COMMISSIONERS <br />At its December 4, 2006 meeting, Council listened to a presentation from City staff in regard to the term <br />expiration date for commissioners serving on the Parks and Recreation Commission. When the board <br />was first formed in the late 1990's, Council set the expiration date for March 3151, of each respective year <br />for the commissioners. All other City commissions have an expiration date of December 3151 of each <br />respective year. Council directed staff to prepare an amendment to the City ordinance under which the <br />description and terms of parks commissioners were set. Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted <br />Ordinance 2007-407 setting the new expiration date for parks commissioner's terms to December 315` of <br />each respective year. <br />APPROVE APPOINTMENT OF RUSS SCHMIDT AND MELISSA PARKER AS NEW PARKS <br />AND RECREATION COMMISSIONERS <br />On Monday, January 8, 2007, Council conducted interviews of applicants for the two vacancies on the <br />Parks and Recreation Commission created by the resignations of Kitty Cheesebrow and Charles Kirk. <br />Council conducted interviews of two of the applicants and considered the application and questionnaire <br />submitted another applicant, who was unable to attend the interviews. After discussion, Council agreed <br />to submit the names of Russ Schmidt and Melissa Parker as the new commissioners on the Parks and <br />Recreation Commission. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the appointment of Russ Schmidt <br />and Melissa Parker as the new commissioners on the Parks and Recreation Commission, and to further <br />send a letter of thanks to the other applicant and encourage him to be involved as a volunteer on the <br />commission. <br />APPROVE SCOPE OF SERVICE CONTRACTS FROM LANDFORM AND WSB ENGINEERS <br />FOR 2008 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />At its December 4, 2006 meeting, Council listened to a presentation from CD Director Bryan Bear as he <br />outlined the processes and public meetings that will be conducted by the City as part of the review of the <br />City's 2008 Comprehensive Plan. Included in the City budget for 2007, City staff included funding for <br />professional services from the City Engineer Jay Kennedy at WSB Engineers and Kendra Lindahl at <br />Landform. Both Kendra and Jay have prepared a Scope of Services Agreement under which they would <br />provide the City with professional planning and engineering services for work on the City's <br />comprehensive plan for 2008. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved Scope of Services Contracts <br />from Landform and WSB Engineers for professional planning and engineering services for work on the <br />City's comprehensive plan for 2008. <br />
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