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City Council meeting of January 16, 2007 <br />Page 4 <br />APPROVE LAWFUL GAMBLING PERMIT FROM CENTERVILLE LIONS FOR CADILLAC <br />DINNER AT THE HUGO AMERICAN LEGION <br />The Centerville Lions has made application to the City for a lawful gambling permit in order to hold a <br />Cadillac Dinner at the Hugo American Legion. City staff reviewed the application and found it to be <br />satisfactorily complete. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the permit from the Centerville <br />Lions to hold its Cadillac Dinner at the Hugo American Legion on March 24, 2007. <br />APPROVE REQUEST FOR TUITION REIMBURSEMENT FOR PW WORKERS PAUL <br />CHRISTIANSON AND JEFF MAAS <br />Paul Christianson and Jeff Maas have requested permission from PW Director Chris Petree to take a <br />Welding Technology class at Century College. This course covers all aspects of welding and gives these <br />employees valuable training that can be used regularly as employees of the Hugo Public Works <br />Department. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the tuition reimbursement for public works <br />workers Paul Christianson and Jeff Maas to take a welding technology class at Century College. <br />APPROVE CHARITABLE GAMBLING PERMIT FOR HUGO AMERICAN LEGION 620 <br />The Hugo American Legion Post 620 made application to the City for a charitable gambling license to <br />conduct a raffle on January 19, 2007 to benefit Sgt. John Kriesel, who was seriously injured in Iraq. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the charitable gambling license for the Hugo American <br />Legion Post 620 to conduct a raffle to benefit Sgt. Kriesel. <br />VACATION OF DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT IN VICTOR GARDENS EAST <br />A public hearing was scheduled for January 16, 2007 on or after 7:00 pm, to take public comment <br />regarding the proposed vacation of the drainage and utility easement in Victor Gardens East <br />development. The proposed vacation of the easement is identical to those that have been requested and <br />approved by Council at past Council meetings. Mayor Fran Miron opened the public hearing for any and <br />all comment in regard to the proposed vacation of the drainage and utility easement in the Victor <br />Gardens East development. There were no oral comments but a letter was sent by a father, on behalf of <br />his son who is in the military. Dave Hemple from CPDC was present to clarify concerns raised by the <br />resident, stating that no wetlands would be drained as a result of this easement vacation. City staff stated <br />that residents' easement vacation notices will be changed to eliminate unnecessary concern. <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to approve the vacation of the drainage and utility easement in <br />the Victor Gardens East development. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Council member Haas requested that this issue be discussed after the public hearing to vacate the <br />easement in Victor Gardens East. POA -Scherer, LLC, applied for approval of a final plat and <br />