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MINUTES FOR THE I-35 W/E COALITION MEETING OF JANUARY 18, 2007 <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fran Miron at 7:00 pm. <br />PRESENT: Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />CD Director Bryan Bear <br />ABSENT: Mike Granger <br />OTHERS: See Attached <br />UPDATE ON 2008 REVISIONS TO CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />Comp plan updates were heard from Hugo, Lino Lakes, Columbus, Centerville, Scandia, <br />Washington County, Anoka County, and Metropolitan Council. <br />DISCUSSION ON CLOSING OF FOUR MCES SANITARY SEWER DUMPING SITES <br />AND CONSTRUCITON OF NEW PRIVATE FACILITY IN FRIDLEY <br />Keith Buttleman and Leo Hermes from the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services <br />explained the issues related to septic disposal sites. Typically, these systems operate on an honor <br />system consisting of dumping sewage directly into the interceptors. Corrosion and blockages have <br />resulted in the system and the Met Council has decided to close north metro sites and install a new <br />system, including pretreatment and removal of solids, to be built in Fridley. Sites within a 30 - <br />minute drive time will be closed within 30 days following the opening of the Fridley site; sites <br />should close roughly on June 1, 2007. Costs and fees for all users will rise. The Fridley site will <br />be a privately -run facility; if problems arise, Met Council will open their own site. Some concerns <br />were raised about drive time for haulers, especially, with the "unweave the weave" project. The <br />main concern raised by Coalition members is increased cost for haulers that will be passed onto <br />their customers. <br />UPDATE ON CSAH 8/14 PROJECT <br />CD Director Bryan Bear and Mike Rogers from Washington County provided updates on the <br />completion of the CSAH 8/14 project. Council member Puleo indicated that the landscaping and <br />street lighting will be complete in the summer of 2007. <br />UPDATE ON CSAH 14 PROJECT <br />Anoka County Commissioner Rhonda Sivarajah explained the success of getting Joint Power <br />Agreements with Lino Lakes and Centerville. The first phase will include closing the road through <br />the park in summer of 2007; other phases will follow but the road should remain open for <br />subsequent phases. <br />TRANSPORTATION ISSUES <br />State Senator Ray Vandeveer had to leave the meeting and requested that this item be tabled to the <br />next meeting. <br />