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I-35 W/E Coalition Meeting of January 18, 2007 <br />Page 2 <br />MOA BETWEEN HUGO/RCWD FOR ROUTINE MAINTENANCE OF <br />JD2/HARDWOOD CREEK <br />Council member Frank Puleo provided an update on JD2. An agreement was reached with all <br />parties stating that we will work together to solve differences with the completion of a <br />management plan for Rice Lake by June 2007. Mayor Fran Miron explained that minor <br />maintenance of ditch was anticipated last fall, but lawsuits were threatened by MPCA. The MPCA <br />required new permits that will take 18 months to receive before maintenance can begin. <br />CITY AND LEGISLATIVE UPDATES <br />Columbus Mel Mettler said that there was a groundbreaking today for a harness track in <br />Columbus; Ziegler Caterpillar will also be locating in the city. Washington County Commissioner <br />Dennis Hegberg said that wetland roles are changing that will increase mitigation ratios impacting <br />road construction projects. More funds are being requested for the Rush Line Corridor (additional <br />$500,000). Money will allow for bus feasibility study and long-term transit study. A new round- <br />about at TH61 and Broadway in Forest Lake will be built this year. Scandia Council member Pete <br />Crum said that Scandia is busy with new staff and creating ordinances. Jessica McGlauflin, <br />representing Congress woman Michele Bachmann, stated that Bachmann had opened an office in <br />Woodbury and plans to open an office in St. Cloud. <br />SCHEDULE NEXT MEETING <br />The I-35 W/E Coalition meeting will be held on Thursday, April 19, 2007, 7:00 pm, at Hugo City <br />Hall. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />Mayor Miron adjourned the meeting at 9:30 pm. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Bryan Bear <br />CD Director <br />