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2007.01.25 CC Mintues - Joint PC & EDA
City Council
City Council Minutes
2007 CC Minutes
2007.01.25 CC Mintues - Joint PC & EDA
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MINUTES FOR THE JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION/PARKS <br />COMMISSION/EDA COMMISSION MEETING ON JANUARY 25, 2007 <br />Mayor Fran Miron called the City Council meeting to order at 7:05 pm. <br />COUNCIL PRESENT: Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />ABSENT: Granger <br />Chairman Schumann called the Planning Commission meeting to order. <br />PLANNING COMMISISONERS PRESENT: Bailly, McRoberts, Rosenquist, Schumann <br />ABSENT: Kleissler, Weidt <br />Chairman Clarke called the Parks Commission to order. <br />PARKS COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Berger, Clarke, Parker, Schmidt, Pedersen (arrived at <br />7:15) ABSENT: May, Gabrelli <br />President Miron called the EDA Meeting to order. <br />EDA COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Klein, Thistle, Miron <br />ABSENT: Arcand, Bever, Denaway, Granger <br />STAFF PRESENT: City Administrator Mike Ericson, Community Development Director Bryan <br />Bear, Public Works Director Chris Petree, Associate Planner Rachael Simone, Community <br />Development Assistant Michele Lindau, Planner Kendra Lindahl, and City Engineer Jay Kennedy <br />ALSO PRESENT: Debra Barnes, Citizen Newspaper, and residents Dean Stedt and Greg Bernier <br />2008 Comprehensive Plan <br />Community Development Bryan Bear explained the purpose of the meeting was to provide <br />background and direction for completing the 2008 Comprehensive Plan. He gave a brief review of <br />the 1998 Comprehensive Plan, pointing out the changes that have occurred in the City in the past <br />ten years and the different challenges facing the City today. He explained the necessary <br />components of the plan and what was being required by the Met Council. Bryan provided <br />everyone with a copy of the City's System Statement from the Met Council and spoke about <br />population forecasts and growth management within the City. <br />Planner Kendra Lindahl talked about existing and future land uses and how land use designations <br />related to the road system, sewer and water infrastructure, and the preservation of natural <br />resources. She presented the pros and cons of having a defined MUSA line versus a floating <br />MUSA, and how it would affect the management of infrastructure and possibly require the City to <br />develop a growth policy. Kendra explained how the Met Council was calculating densities and <br />gave an example of how the current density already exceeded their projections due to the way it <br />was being calculated. Other cities were facing the same issue, and she felt confident the City of <br />Hugo would be able to work with the Met Council to resolve it. The Parks Plan was another <br />component that would need to be revised, and Kendra stated that the current Parks Plan was a good <br />one and only needed a few revisions. Discussions on regional parks and trails as well as local <br />parks and open space needed to take place. She suggested developing a policy on neighborhood <br />parks. <br />-1- <br />
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