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City Council meeting of February 20, 2007 <br />Page 2 <br />PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION TO DAVE SCHUMANN FOR <br />YEARS OF SERVICE ON RCWD ADVISORY BOARD <br />Dave Schumann served as a City representative on the RCWD Advisory Board for the past 15 years. <br />This volunteer position is an opportunity for residents to provide input and recommendations on water <br />quality issues to the RCWD Board. Dave's service to the Board was noted by outgoing Manager Jim <br />Leroux, who thanked Dave for his commitment to improving water quality and preserving wetlands in <br />the district. The City of Hugo is appreciative of the volunteer efforts of Dave, and on behalf of the <br />citizens of Hugo, Mayor Fran Miron and the City Council presented Dave with a Certificate of <br />Appreciation for his 15 years of dedicated service on the RCWD Advisory Board. <br />APPROVE RETIREMENT AND AWARD PLAQUES AND CERTIFICATES OF <br />RECOGNITION FOR GREG BURMEISTER, PAUL FLADEBOE, AND JIM CHRISTIANSON <br />FOR YEARS OF SERVICE ON HUGO FIRE DEPARTMENT <br />The City received letters of resignation from Greg Burmeister, Paul Fladeboe, and Jim Christianson <br />indicating their desire to retire from the HFD as they move on to other interests in their professional and <br />personal lives. Although Greg retired in 2006, the City did not have a formal employee recognition and <br />retirement program at the time. In January 2007, Council approved the new employee recognition and <br />retirement program, which outlines how the City will recognize retiring employees. Mayor Fran Miron <br />and the City Council approved the retirements for the three firefighters with a presentation and award of <br />plaques to Greg Burmeister for 16 years of dedicated service to the HFD; Paul Fladeboe for his 25 years <br />of dedicated service to the HFD; and Jim Christianson, a Certificate of Appreciation for eight years of <br />dedicated service to the HFD. <br />AWARD CERTIFICATES FOR COMPLETION OF FIREFIGHTER 2 AND HAZMAT <br />OPERATIONS <br />Fire Chief Jim Compton received notification from the MN Fire Service Certification Board that <br />the following firefighters successfully completed training in Haz-Mat operations and Firefighter 2 <br />training: Tim Lorinser, Jim Compton Jr., Nick Johnson, and Donald Sames. Fire Chief Jim Compton <br />and Mayor Fran Miron presented a certificate to each of the firefighters for successfully completing this <br />training. <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, approve the following Consent Agenda: <br />Approval of Claims <br />Approve Lease Agreement with Loffler Company for City Hall Copier <br />Approve Final Everton Avenue Updated AUAR <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />