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City Council meeting of February 20, 2007 <br />Page 4 <br />City Focus Goals for 2007, along with target dates for completion. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION ON JANUARY 25, 2007 MEETING WITH SEPTIC HAULERS AND MCES <br />OFFICIALS <br />At its January 18, 2007 I-35 WE Coalition meeting, Council discussed with Coalition members the <br />issues related to the proposed closing of the four septic dumping sites currently maintained by the <br />Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES). Council directed staff to schedule a meeting <br />with the septic haulers in order to better understand their issues and impact of the closings of the four <br />dumping sites, including the one located in Forest Lake. City staff held a meeting with officials from <br />MCES and the area septic haulers and shared the results of the meeting with Council. The City cannot <br />do anything at this time to prevent the closing of the Forest Lake site, but did feel that the City should <br />encourage the new Fridley site to provide extended hours to allow haulers an opportunity to minimize <br />traffic issues encountered at peak hours. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, directing staff to send a letter to the MCES encouraging them to <br />coordinate the closing/opening of the dumping sites to assure continued hauling service and request <br />extended dumping hours. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION ON ONEKA LAKE DEVELOPMENT LAWSUIT AGAINST CITY AND <br />RULING BY MN COURT OF APPEALS <br />On February 6, 2007, the City was informed by City Attorney Dave Snyder and LMCIT attorney Jim <br />Thompson that the MN State Court of Appeals had ruled in the City's favor in regard to the lawsuit filed <br />against the City by developer Terry Miller. The 13 -page ruling highlighted a number of reasons that the <br />court affirmed the lower court's ruling that the City had, in fact, provided the developer with a copy of <br />the Findings of Fact, and the City, on its Consent Agenda, had approved the recommendation from the <br />Planning Commission that his request for a comp plan amendment be denied. Mr. Miller has 30 days in <br />which to appeal the ruling, which would be a formal appeal to the State of Minnesota Supreme Court. <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder provided additional comment and information to Council. No formal <br />Council was taken. <br />DISCUSSION ON RURAL AND OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION ORDINANCE <br />On January 25, 2007, Council held a joint meeting with the Planning Commission to discuss the City's <br />current rural and open space preservation ordinance. Council directed staff to review with the Planning <br />Commission the current ordinance, as well as to discuss the topic of transfer of development rights, <br />which had been discussed previously by the original Task Force. Council agreed to a density of 12 lots <br />per 40 acres. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, that the Planning Commission narrow their discussion focusing on <br />the five issues previously outlined by Council: 1) density bonuses; 2) well and septic; 3) buildable acres; <br />