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City Council meeting of February 20, 2007 <br />Page 5 <br />4) conservation easements; and 5) ordinance title. <br />Granger made motion, Haas seconded, to amend the motion that the revised draft ordinance be submitted <br />to Council by its meeting on May 7, 2007. <br />VOTE ON AMENDMENT: All aye. Motion Carried. <br />VOTE ON ORIGINAL MOTION: All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION ON PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR ONEKA SQUARE AT TH61/120TH <br />STREET <br />At its December 8, 2006 meeting, Council listened to a presentation from developers looking to <br />construct a retail building on the southeast corner of TH61 and 12e Street. A concept plan, which had <br />been presented to Council, highlighted a rectangular building, in front of which would be a large parking <br />lot designed to provide for necessary onsite parking. The developers solicited comments from Council <br />and would like another opportunity to present their concept plan for further discussion by Council. CD <br />Director Bryan Bear provided a PowerPoint presentation outlining the background of the project, <br />focusing on concerns with TH61 right-of-way and serving the property with sanitary sewer. Council <br />asked developers Jason Brown and Terry Thompson a number of questions and addressed issues. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, directing staff to continue to work with the developer, with the <br />following directives: 1) protect 40' right-of-way for TH61; and 2) develop an agreement to allow <br />sanitary sewer hookup from White Bear Township but at the time of City of Hugo sewer extension, <br />share in the cost of improvement. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION ON CONCEPT PLAN FOR GUSSETT DESIGN AT 15587 FOREST BLVD. <br />(RICK BURR) <br />Rick Burr requested a concept plan review for an addition to an existing building located at 15587 Forest <br />Boulevard North, zoned General Business (C-2). The current use is an industrial legal non -conforming <br />use. In order to build the addition, the applicant will have to apply for a conditional use permit to <br />expand the legal non -conforming use during the site plan review and must comply with the related <br />performance standards. Associate Planner Rachel Simone provided a detailed PowerPoint presentation <br />outlining the concept plan, as well as visuals of the property. The current building totals 5,740 square <br />feet and is used for office, manufacturing, and warehousing on a lot that is 50,483 square feet. The <br />building addition totals 12,060 square feet and will be used for warehousing equipment utilized by the <br />business and will provide space inside of the building to store materials that are currently outdoors. The <br />applicant is also applying for two variances: 1) variance from the side yard set back requirements to <br />allow the addition of the building to be one foot from the property line where thirty feet is required; and <br />2) variance from the commercial/industrial construction standards to build an addition with metal panels, <br />which is prohibited by the ordinance. Council discussed the request and agreed to allow a one foot <br />setback and the new addition may be constructed of metal panels, including a minimum 20% coverage <br />of brick columns matching the existing building. <br />