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City Council meeting of April 16, 2007 <br />Page 2 <br />Approve Prescribed Burn for City Hall Rain Gardens <br />Approve Final Plat for Kellison Subdivision <br />Approve Final Pay Request to Pulte Homes for Work Completed on Oneka Parkway <br />Approve Resolution Approving Redesignation of State Aid Roads in City <br />Approve Resolution Approving the Downtown Design Guidelines <br />Approve Encroachment Agreement for Construction of Pool at 6109 151$` Street (Larrive) <br />Approve Authorization to Amend Chapter 150 to Allow Sale of Strong Beer <br />Approve Water Ski Slalom Course on Sunset Lake (Dave Strub) <br />Approve Pay Request from C.W. Houle for Work Completed to Date on 129" Street P.I. Project <br />Approve 3.2 Temporary On -Sale Beer License for Hugo Lions Club for Good Neighbor Days <br />Approve Sponsorship w/Washington County for HHH Waste Collection Day and Fall Cleanup <br />on September 15, 2007 <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims roster for April 16, 2007 as presented. <br />APPROVE PURCHASE OF 2007 PARK MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT <br />Included it its 2007 City budget, Council budgeted $50,000 for the purchase of park and boulevard <br />maintenance equipment to maintain the City's nine neighborhood parks, more than 15 miles of trail, and <br />three municipal buildings. The equipment will be purchased off the State of Minnesota Cooperative <br />Purchasing Venture or through a competitive quote process. Council member Mike Granger has <br />reviewed the equipment and supports the purchase. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />purchase of park and boulevard maintenance equipment in an amount not to exceed $40,100. <br />APPROVE PRESCRIBED BURN FOR CITY HALL RAIN GARDENS <br />On April 15, 2002, Council held its first ever meeting in the Hugo City Hall Council Chambers. <br />Residents agreed that the new City Hall and Oneka Community Room allow the citizens of Hugo to <br />gather to take care of the business of the people of Hugo. Council was very pleased with the exterior <br />landscaping, which included three rain gardens, which had been designed and constructed in a <br />cooperative effort with Met Council and the RCWD. Consistent with the plan approved by Council five <br />years ago, a bum of the vegetation and grasses in the rain gardens is necessary in order to allow the <br />opportunity for re -growth and to strengthen their root system and surface growth. PW Director Chris <br />Petree has worked with Natural Shore Technologies, the landscape company that planted and monitors <br />the rain gardens, along with the HFD. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the prescribed bum of <br />the City Hall rain gardens, which would likely take place in early May. <br />APPROVE FINAL PLAT FOR KELLISON SUBDIVISION <br />Jim Kellison is requesting approval of a Final Plat and Development Agreement for Kellison Addition <br />for 4.9 acres of property to be divided into three lots located at the northeast comer of 129" Street and <br />Ehncrest Avenue. On October 2, 2006, the City Council approved a Preliminary Plat for Kellison <br />