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2007.04.16 CC Mintues
City Council
City Council Minutes
2007 CC Minutes
2007.04.16 CC Mintues
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City Council meeting of April 16, 2007 <br />Page 3 <br />Addition to allow one lot to be platted in to three lots. There was also a variance approved to allow the <br />existing home to have a 19 foot rear yard setback instead of the 30 foot requirement at that time. The <br />final plat is consistent with the preliminary plat. Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted Resolution <br />2007-12 approving the final plat and development agreement for the Jim Kellison subdivision. <br />APPROVE FINAL PAY REQUEST TO PULTE HOMES FOR WORK COMPLETED ON <br />ONEKA PARKWAY <br />In 2006, Pulte Homes contracted with Enebek Construction for the construction and completion of the <br />extension of Oneka Parkway to County Road 8. The new Parkway includes sidewalks and landscaped <br />boulevards, along with street lights. Pulte Homes submitted their final pay request for the project. City <br />Engineer Jay Kennedy and Senior Engineering Technician Scott Anderson reviewed the project and the <br />pay request and found it to be consistent for work completed. Adoption of the Consent Agenda accepted <br />the improvements and approved the final pay request in the amount of $171,323.58 for work completed <br />on Oneka Parkway. <br />APPROVE RESOLUTION APPROVING REDESIGNATION OF STATE AID ROADS <br />In order to qualify for municipal state aid, Council must designate certain street within the City to <br />comprise a municipal state aid street system. After review by the PW Director, Senior Engineer <br />Technician, and the CD Development Director, the City Engineer determined that certain streets be <br />redesignated part of the City's state aid street system. Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted <br />Resolution 2007-13 updating the municipal state aid and street system for the City of Hugo. <br />APPROVE RESOLUTION APPROVING THE DOWNTOWN DESIGN GUIDELINES <br />At its April 2, 2007 meeting, Council listened to a presentation from CD Director Bryan Bear as he <br />explained how the downtown architectural design guidelines had been prepared for approval by Council. <br />Council agreed with the recommendation from the Planning Commission to approve the design <br />guidelines, which would then be used by developers in the downtown area. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda adopted Resolution 2007-14 approving the downtown design guidelines, as recommended by <br />the Planning Commission. <br />APPROVE ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF POOL AT 6109 <br />151 STREET (LARRIVE) <br />Dave and Teri Larrive, 6109 151St Street North, have applied for an encroachment agreement to locate a <br />portion of an above -ground pool in a drainage and utility easement. Staff finds the pool would have no <br />negative impact on utilities or drainage in the area. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved an <br />encroachment agreement for Dave and Teri Larrive with authorization for signature by the Mayor. <br />APPROVE AUTHORIZATION TO AMEND CHAPTER 150 TO ALLOW SALE OF STRONG <br />BEER <br />The American & Asian Bistro will be opening a restaurant in the Victor Market Place located at 14775 <br />Victor Hugo Boulevard. The owner has applied for a wine license and a 3.2 beer license, and is <br />
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