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2007.04.16 CC Mintues
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City Council Minutes
2007 CC Minutes
2007.04.16 CC Mintues
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City Council meeting of April 16, 2007 <br />Page 5 <br />APPROVE RESOLUTION FOR CITY OF HUGO TREE TRIMMING POLICY <br />Due to the absence Council Becky Petryk: <br />Puleo made motion, Granger seconded, to table action on the resolution for the City of Hugo tree <br />trimming policy. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR DOWNTOWN TIF DISTRICT FROM <br />COUNCIL MEETINGOF APRIL 2.2007 <br />At its February 20, 2007 meeting, Council authorized staff to schedule a public hearing for Monday, <br />April 2, 2007 in order to hold a public hearing for the consideration of a downtown tax increment <br />financing (TIF) district. City staff provided a PowerPoint presentations of the TIF Plan and <br />Mayor Fran Miron opened the public hearing to take any all public comment on the proposed TIF <br />district. A total of 16 people addressed the Council and provided pro and con statements on the plan. <br />The Hugo City Council voted to continue the public hearing to the April 16, 2007 regular City Council <br />meeting. City Administrator Mike Ericson provided Council and the audience a brief recap of the last <br />meeting, including explanations on a few issues. <br />Harold Weins, 8565 136h Street, wanted to see a copy of the minutes for the Council meeting of April 2, <br />2007 and questioned the need to use "incentives" to attract quality businesses to Hugo. Staff provided <br />Harold with a set of the meeting minutes. <br />Pete Pedersen, 4826 126h Street, stated the TIF was a tool to be used by the City and supported its use. <br />Mike Anderson and his mother, Catherine, 14559 Forest Blvd., supported the TIF district stating it was <br />part of the master plan for downtown redevelopment and they have been waiting for 12 years. <br />Mike Fleischacker, 16040 Jeffrey Avenue, was opposed to the TIF district because the playing field was <br />not level and district would give developers an advantage. <br />Phil Klein, 6760 165h Street, member of the EDA, supported the TIF district because it is a tool <br />approved by the State Legislature and we need to use it or downtown will not get redeveloped. <br />Downtown Hugo is important and we need all the tools we can use. <br />Darrel Bunge, 14696 Fondant, stated that he too was concerned with the downtown plan and got <br />involved at the legislature so there would be no taking of his house. He felt that TIF was a valuable tool <br />to develop property, and as a result, place more value on his property. He thanked the staff for being <br />very professional and communicating with him. <br />Jan Arcand, 1850 Cedar, WBL, and member of the EDA, and from a family who has been here 100 <br />years, stated many reasons why she is supporting the establishment of the TIF district. <br />Wendy Maxwell, 9674 152nd Street, questioned how "pay as you go" was used in the BEIP; who will <br />
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