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City Council meeting of April 16, 2007 <br />Page 4 <br />requesting to serve strong beer. With a wine and 3.2 beer license, State Statute allows the sale of strong <br />beer if at least 60 percent of gross receipts are attributed to food sales, and it is permitted by the <br />governing municipality by ordinance. Hugo City Code has no provision for this. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda directed staff to prepare an amendment to the City Code to allow the sale of <br />intoxicating malt liquor with a 3.2 malt liquor license, provided they also have a wine license and 60 <br />percent of their gross receipts are attributable to the sale of food, as allowed by state statute <br />APPROVE WATER SKI SLALOM COURSE ON SUNSET LAKE (DAVE STRUM <br />On behalf of the Sunset Lake Ski Club, Dave Strub has submitted an application for approval of the <br />water ski slalom course. Staff reviewed the application and found it to be satisfactorily completed. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the water ski slalom course application for Sunset Lake. <br />On February 5, 2007, Council awarded the bid for the 129' Street public improvement project to C.W. <br />Houle. For the past several weeks, construction workers for C.W. Houle have worked on the project and <br />installed sewer and water mains. C.W. Houle has submitted pay request #1 for work completed to date <br />on the project. Senior Engineering Technician Scott Anderson has reviewed the pay request and found it <br />to be consistent for work completed to date on the project. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />pay request #1 in the amount of $105,365.83 for work completed to date on the 129' Street public <br />improvement project. <br />APPROVE TEMPORARY ON -SALE 3.2 BEER LICENSE FOR HUGO LIONS CLUB FOR <br />GOOD NEIGHBOR DAYS <br />City staff received an application from the Hugo Lions Club for a temporary on -sale 3.2 beer license for <br />Good Neighbor Days scheduled for June 7-10, 2007. City staff reviewed the application and found it to <br />be satisfactorily complete, as well as the required liquor liability insurance, naming the City of Hugo as <br />an additional insured. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the temporary on -sale 3.2 beer license <br />for the Hugo Lions Club to sell beer during Good Neighbor Days on June 7-10, 2007. <br />APPROVE SPONSORSHIP WITH WASHINGTON COUNTY FOR HHH WASTE <br />COLLECTION DAY AND FALL CLEANUP ON SEPTEMBER 15.2007 <br />PW Director Chris Petree discussed with Washington County Public Health officials the annual <br />household hazardous waste collection day and a fall community cleanup event. Washington County has <br />agreed to sponsor this event with the City of Hugo and scheduled it for Saturday, September 15, 2007 at <br />the Hugo Public Works facility. A formal public announcement of the event will take place at a future <br />Council meeting. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved Saturday, September 15, 2007 as <br />household hazardous waste collection day and fall cleanup day in the City of Hugo. <br />