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2007.04.16 CC Mintues
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City Council Minutes
2007 CC Minutes
2007.04.16 CC Mintues
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City Council meeting of April 16, 2007 <br />Page 8 <br />agree with the request and denied the petitioners' request citing the need to identify the issues needed to <br />be audited, as well as the significant cost to be borne by City taxpayers. Finance Director Otkin <br />provided a PowerPoint presentation, which included a City staff recommendation that the Hugo City <br />Council extend an invitation, on behalf of the City of Hugo, to the signers of the petition letter to have <br />their issues addressed by the City auditor Smith Schafer & Associates. Those residents with audit issues <br />would have an opportunity to meet privately with the auditor, after which an agreed upon Procedures <br />Engagement would be drafted, along with a cost estimate, for submittal to Council for consideration. <br />Three signers of the petition, Clyde Wager, Wendy Maxwell, and Vicky Hoffbeck, addressed the <br />Council but did not accept the offer. Ron stated that the petitioners would have until April 24`h to advise <br />him of their desire to meet with the auditors. <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to open the City's audit process to allow audit petitioners an <br />opportunity to meet Smith Schafer & Associates at a specified cost estimate. <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to amend the previous motion to set April 24, 2007 as the last <br />date that the petitioners can request a meeting with the auditors. <br />VOTE ON AMENDMENT: All aye. Motion Carried. <br />VOTE ON ORIGINAL MOTION: All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SCHEDULE COUNCIL WORKSHOP TO DISCUSS POLICE PROTECTION SERVICES <br />At its March 5, 2007 meeting, Council listened to a presentation from Washington County Sheriff Bill <br />Hutton, whereby he outlined his plan for providing police protection services to the City for the next <br />year, and the changes he has suggested to his deputies and staff. Council included in its 2007 City Focus <br />Goals, a review of police protection services and agreed to schedule a workshop in order to discuss these <br />services further. Council requested that the following matters be included for discussion at the meeting: <br />1) as the City grows, the need for its own police department; and 2) comments on the deputy turnover <br />and the pay scale for the sheriff s department. <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to schedule a meeting workshop for Friday, June 1, 2007, Hugo <br />City Hall, at 8:30 am, to discuss police protection services. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION ON EXPIRATION OF TERM AND PETITION TO ENLARGE CARNELIAN - <br />MARINE WATERSHED DISTRICT <br />The City received notification from Washington County that the terms of office for two managers on the <br />Carnelian -Marine Watershed District will expire on June 21, 2007. State statute provides that the <br />County Board may select watershed district managers from list of nominees submitted by municipalities <br />that are wholly or partially in the watershed district. If any Hugo resident is interested in serving on the <br />board, they should contact Washington County or the City by the April 20, 2007 deadline. Additionally, <br />a petition has been received to enlarge the Carnelian -Marine Watershed District and it was considered by <br />the MN Board of Water and Soil Resources on March 24, 2007. The enlargement process is anticipated <br />to be finalized by May 1, 2007. No formal Council action was taken. <br />
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