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City Council meeting of April 16, 2007 <br />Page 9 <br />APPROVE RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING APRIL 12.2007 AS D.A.R.E. DAY IN MN <br />Washington County Investigator Tim Hams is the DARE officer assigned to the Oneka Elementary <br />School. Investigator Hams' job is to educate fifth graders on the prevention and education program that <br />teaches young people ways of resisting peer pressure to experiment from drugs and alcohol. The WBL <br />school district is committed to providing this education to its fifth graders and Deputy Hams is soliciting <br />the public support of the City of Hugo. City staff recommended Council approve the resolution thereby <br />proclaiming April 12, 2007 to be D.A.R.E Day in the City of Hugo and an invitation to attend the DARE <br />graduation on May 3, 2007 at the Oneka Elementary School. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 2007-19 A RESOLUTION <br />PROCLAIMING APRIL 12, 2007 AS DRUG ABUSE RESISTANCE EDUCATION (DARE) DAY IN <br />MINNESOTA. <br />VOTING AYE: Granger, Haas, Puleo, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION ON WHITE BEAR LAKE YMCA COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP FOCUS <br />GROUP STUDY <br />City staff has been meeting with White Bear Lake city officials over the past several months regarding <br />youth activities and how they can be provided in the future. Most recently, local area city officials met <br />with YMCA board members to discuss the present and future service levels of the White Bear Lake <br />YMCA. In order to better understand and quantify how WBL area residents and youth receive their <br />recreational programming needs, YMCA officials have suggested a Focus Group Study Project. The <br />majority of the cost would be paid by the YMCA, with a pro rata share from the respective cities. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to approve $1,200 to pay for the City's share of the Focus Group <br />Study Project, and to further designate the City Administrator and/or the PW Director or Parks and <br />Recreation Commission member to represent the City of Hugo and attend the YMCA Focus Group <br />Strategic Planning Session. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REPORT ON APRIL 7.2007 TOWN HALL MEETING WITH STATE SENATOR RAY <br />VANDEVEER AND REPRESENTATIVE MATT DEAN <br />On Saturday, April 7, 2007, State Representative Matt Dean and State Senator Ray Vandeveer held a <br />Town Hall meeting in the Oneka Room at Hugo City Hall. Council members Frank Puleo and Chuck <br />Haas attended the meeting stating that taxation at the state level and immigration were topics of <br />discussion. <br />SCHEDULE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW FOR CITY ADMINISTRATOR <br />On April 17. 2000, Mike Ericson was hired as the new Hugo City Administrator. The Hugo City <br />Council conducts its annual performance review of City Administrator Mike Ericson, with the assistance <br />