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City Council meeting of May 21, 2007 <br />Page 2 <br />Approve Change in Street Names on Elmcrest Avenue/140L4 Street South of Victor Gardens <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims roster for May 21, 2007 as presented. <br />APPROVE RESOLUTION FOR A CUP AND ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT FOR <br />CONSTRUCTION OF A DRIVEWAY AT 6515175TH STREET (LANASA) <br />The applicant would like to obtain a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a shared driveway. The property <br />is located at 6515 175th Street North and is a 17 -acre parcel, which is occupied by an existing home. <br />There is a 33 -foot City easement on the eastern portion of the property. The applicant would like to <br />construct the shared driveway on the easement. In addition to the CUP, an encroachment agreement is <br />proposed to allow the use of the easement. The CUP would permit access to an existing landlocked <br />five -acre parcel to the south, which the applicant owns. The ability to access the five -acre parcel is <br />requested so the applicant can construct a new home. The Planning Commission considered this item at <br />a public hearing on May 10, 2007 and voted to recommend approval of the CUP and encroachment <br />agreement. Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted Resolution 2007-23 approving the CUP and <br />encroachment agreement for Mark LaNasa at 6515 175' Street. <br />APPROVE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT FOR SEWER STAGING PLAN <br />The City of Hugo is amending the 1998 Comprehensive Plan to change the current sewer staging plan to <br />combine the 1 st stage 2000-2010 and 2nd stage 2010-2020 to make one staging area within the <br />(Metropolitan Urban Service Area) MUSA. In lieu of the sewer staging plan, the City will manage its <br />growth by limiting the absolute number of sewer connections consistent with the Metropolitan Council's <br />system statement for Hugo. The Planning Commission considered this item at a public hearing on May <br />10, 2007 and voted to recommend approval. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />comprehensive plan amendment for revision to the sewer staging plan. <br />APPROVE RESOLUTION FOR A VARIANCE AND PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT FOR <br />DAVE STRUB AND DOUG KRUSE <br />The applicants are requesting a variance from the Rural Residential lot size and width requirements. The <br />applicants are also requesting to adjust the common lot line between their properties to move the lot line <br />20 feet to the south. The property line adjustment will not result in the creation of any new lots. Hugo <br />Zoning Code, Chapter 320, states that if a property line adjustment causes either property to remain or <br />become out of compliance with the ordinance, a variance would be necessary. Both properties would <br />remain out of compliance with the zoning ordinance, which requires a minimum parcel size of 10 acres <br />and 300 feet road frontage. The Board of Zoning and Adjustments considered this item at a public <br />hearing on May 10, 2007 and voted to recommend approval of the variance. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda adopted Resolution 2007-24 approving the variance and property line adjustment for Doug <br />Kruse and Dave Strub for properties located at 12616 Ingersoll and 12670 Ingersoll, respectively. <br />