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City Council meeting of June 18, 2007 <br />Page 4 <br />APPROVE PURCHASE OF STREET BANNERS AND DESIGN FOR CRS/TH61 <br />As part of the CSAR 8 project, street lights with banner arms were installed on the 59 decorative lights from <br />Oneka Parkway N. to TH61. Also, banner arms were installed on over 20 light poles along TH61 <br />from 1401h St. N. to 150'h St. N. last year as part of the Centennial Celebration. Included in the 2007 General <br />Fund Budget are funds to purchase new banners for these areas. Staff presented different banner <br />designs to the EDA on Monday, June 18, 2007. PW Director Chris Petree provided a PowerPower presentation <br />for Council, which provided a visual of banner design choices, as well as the recommendation of the EDA to <br />Council. (Council member Mike Granger left the meeting at 8:10 pm.) <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to accept the following EDA recommendations for purchase of street <br />banners and design for CR8/TH61: 1) the City use Main Street Designs to supply banners and work with them to <br />refine a banner design; 2) the City review the banner design and invite representatives from the HBA and Lions <br />Club to decide on final design with the CSAH 8 Landscape Committee; 3) the City place banners on every other <br />light pole on CSAH 8 between Oneka Pkwy. & TH61 reducing the number of banners needed to 55, and hanging <br />baskets still be placed on every light in 2008; the City consider purchasing another banner with a <br />seasonal/holiday design and allow the Lions & HBA to discuss special event/promotional banners; and 4) if <br />approved by Council, and following review by the CSAH 8 Landscape Committee, staff will order street banners <br />for installation within 4-6 weeks. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION OF FUTURE MUNICIPAL WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM (CIP) <br />At its May 7, 2007 meeting, Council listened to a brief presentation from City Engineer Jay Kennedy regarding <br />the City's future municipal water supply system. Council agreed to table the issue to a later agenda to allow <br />more time for a presentation and further discussion. Jay and PW Director Chris Petree provided Council with a <br />PowerPoint presentation on the City's future municipal water system to be included as part of the City's five-year <br />capital improvements program. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to accept staff's recommendation and proceed as follows: 1) locate and <br />acquire a site for a well and water tower in the southeast quadrant of the MUSA; and 2) begin <br />design/construction process once site is selected. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVE RECOMMENDATION FROM EDA FOR CREATION OF CITY CABLE TV SHOW <br />"THAT'S HUGO TODAY" <br />At its May 21, 2007 meeting, the Hugo Economic Development Authority (EDA) listened to a presentation from <br />City staff regarding interest in the creation of a City cable access show to provide promotion and marketing <br />activities for the City of Hugo. The show would be produced and directed by Associate Planner Rachel Simone <br />and Administrative Intern Nathan Ehalt at the Suburban Community Channel, SCC studios in White Bear La <br />The show would be monthly hosted by the Mayor and Council members and/or City staff. Council agreed th, <br />this would be an excellent communication tool for the City's promotion efforts. <br />