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2007.08.20 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2007 CC Minutes
2007.08.20 CC Minutes
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City Council of August 20, 2007 <br />Page 4 <br />APPROVE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW FOR SENIOR ENGINEERING <br />TECHNICIAN SCOTT ANDERSON <br />Scott Anderson was hired as the City's new senior engineering technician on August 11, 2003. He is a <br />reliable and conscientious employee, who has excellent communication skills. Scott is the City's point <br />person on major construction projects, and he represents the City's position in a firm, yet professional <br />manner. Scott is well respected by the contractors and he has an excellent sense of humor. Adoption of <br />the Consent Agenda approved the annual performance review for Senior Engineering Technician Scott <br />Anderson. <br />APPROVE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW FOR PW WORKER JEFF MAAS <br />Jeff Maas was hired as the City's new public works worker on July 24, 2006. Over the past year, Jeff <br />has worked hard and demonstrated an excellent work ethic in performing a wide variety of public works <br />maintenance duties. Jeff is reliable and a very competent employee and he provides an excellent level of <br />customer service to our residents and business owners. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />annual performance review for public works worker Jeff Maas. <br />APPROVE SITE PLAN AND CUP FOR BUILDING ADDITION AT 15817 FOREST <br />BOULEVARD (GUSSET DESIGN) <br />Rick Burr requested a site plan approval for an addition to an existing building located at 15587 Forest <br />Boulevard North. The current use is a legal non -conforming use because the property is zoned General <br />Business (C-2) and the use is industrial. The existing building totals 5,740 square feet and is used for <br />office, manufacturing and warehousing. The building addition totals 12,060 square feet and will be used <br />for warehousing equipment utilized by the business. In order to build the addition the applicant has <br />applied for a conditional use permit (CUP) to expand the legal non -conforming use. The CUP can only <br />be approved with findings that the expansion will reduce the impacts of the legal non -conforming use on <br />the surrounding properties The applicant has stated that the exterior storage currently outside of the <br />building will be put inside with the building addition; thus, reducing the impact of the industrial use on <br />the surrounding properties. At its August 9, 2007 meeting the Planning Commission reviewed the site <br />plan and the conditional use permit and recommended approval. The approving vote was 3-0-1. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved Resolution 2007-41 for the site plan and Resolution 2007-42 <br />for the conditional use permit. <br />APPROVE AUTHORIZATION TO SOLICIT QUOTES FOR DEMOLITION OF HOUSES AT <br />14635 AND 14655 FOREST BLVD. <br />City staff is seeking authorization from Council to proceed with the solicitation of quotes for demolition <br />of the houses and 14635 and 14655 Forest Blvd. Over the past several years, the tenants in the houses <br />have failed to maintain the interiors of the houses and they are in poor condition. City staff has <br />personally inspected the homes, and the public works department determined that a significant amount <br />of money is necessary to bring these buildings up to code. Adoption of the Consent Agenda authorized <br />staff to proceed with the solicitation of quotes for the demolition of the houses at 14635 and 14655 <br />Forest Blvd. <br />
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