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City Council meeting of September 4, 2007 <br />Page 4 <br />Agenda approved the extension of the internship for administrative intern Nathan Ehalt for six months to <br />March 20, 2008. <br />APPROVE ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A DECK AND <br />PATIO AT 15945 FINLEY AVENUE NORTH (FLORES) <br />Fernando and Teresa Flores, 15945 Finley Avenue North, have applied for an encroachment agreement <br />to locate deck footings and a concrete slab patio within the drainage and utility easement on property <br />described as Lot 17, Block 1, Creekview Preserve 2nd addition. The deck and patio would encroach <br />approximately 15 feet into the easement. Staff has determined the encroachment would have no <br />negative impact on the drainage or utilities in the area. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />Encroachment Agreement for Fernando and Teresa Flores at 15945 Finley Avenue North. <br />APPROVE VARIANCE FOR MONUMENT SIGN AT 12912 FARNHAM AVENUE (WILSON <br />TOOL) <br />Wilson Tool recently received administrative approval of an addition to the main entrance of the <br />building on Farnham Avenue totaling approximately 520 square feet. This gives them a more visible <br />main entrance for their customers. With the new addition, Wilson Tool has submitted a sign application <br />and variance request for a 32 square foot monument sign. The sign is proposed to be located 15'3" from <br />the front property line where 30 feet is required by ordinance; therefore, a variance is required. The <br />building is on a comer resulting in the property having two front yards. Wilson Tool also currently has a <br />monument sign located on 130th Street that is proposed to stay. The sign ordinance states that a <br />property is only allowed to have one monument sign. Since the applicant is requesting two monument <br />signs, a variance is required. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved Resolution 2007-48 approving <br />two variances for Wilson Tool. <br />APPROVE APPOINT OF GREG BURMEISTER TO BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS <br />Mayor Miron requested that this item be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. On August <br />27, 2007, Council conducted interviews of candidates wishing to volunteer to serve on the Board of <br />Zoning Appeals and complete the term of long-time board member Bernie Brunotte. Council was very <br />pleased with the quality of the applicants, and after discussion, agreed to appoint Greg Burmeister to <br />serve out the term of Bernie Brunotte. Board members are appointed on an annual basis at the City <br />Council's first meeting of the year. Applicant Dwight Harvey was in attendance at the meeting, and <br />Mayor Miron expressed his appreciation for Mr. Harvey's volunteerism. <br />Miron made motion, Puleo seconded, to approve the appointment of Greg Burmeister to serve out the <br />vacancy on the Board of Zoning Appeals due to the retirement of Bernie Brunotte. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVE PAY REQUEST #2 FROM PETERSON COMPANIES FOR CSAH 8 <br />LANDSCAPING PROJECT <br />Council member Chuck Haas requested that this item be removed from the Consent Agenda for <br />