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2007.09.04 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2007 CC Minutes
2007.09.04 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of September 4, 2007 <br />Page 5 <br />discussion. Peterson Companies has completed the majority of work on the CSAH 8 landscaping <br />project, which has significantly beautified the corridor from I -35E into the City of Hugo to TH61. City <br />staff has received pay request #2 from Peterson Companies for work completed to date on the project. <br />Senior Engineering Technician Scott Anderson, Council member Frank Puleo, and City staff have been <br />involved in the final punch list work, which includes the replacement of a number of trees along the <br />boulevard. Staff is comfortable with the retainage held on the project, which would cover the necessary <br />work related to the replacement of the trees. Council member Haas stated that he had received calls <br />from constituents stating concern that sprinklers were on while it was raining. Council member Puleo <br />stated that there are rain sensors but that they are not "full proof'. Council also discussed warranties <br />associated with the project and how long they are enforced. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve pay request #2 in the amount of $138,799.08 for work <br />completed on the CSAH 8 landscaping project. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />UPDATE ON ETHAN/EVERTON/12e/122ND PROPOSED P.I. PROJECT <br />At its August 20, 2007 meeting, City staff updated Council and residents in the audience that this issue <br />would be placed on the Tuesday, September 4, 2007 meeting in order to provide residents an update on <br />the petitions submitted to the City by the neighbors. City Engineer Jay Kennedy presented the petitions <br />to Council and discussed with them the number of residents who are supportive in some variation of the <br />public improvement project and that most are supportive of a new bituminous roadway. After a <br />PowerPoint presentation recapping the proposed project activities to date, Council agreed that because of <br />the lack of interest indicated by many property owners, that they were not interested expending City <br />funds without installing utilities. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to schedule a neighborhood meeting to further discuss the proposed <br />project and share with residents the City Council's reluctance to proceed with a project. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION ON CITY POPULATION SIGNS (MNDOT ACTION REQUESTED) <br />Several months ago, Council discussed the MnDOT population signs that are placed at the City's <br />borders as a reflection of the last official census in 2000, with a population of 6,363; the next census will <br />take place in 2010. Staff was directed to research this issue to determine whether the City could get new <br />population signs that would reflect the City population in excess of 12,000. City Engineer Jay Kennedy <br />and Administrative Intern Nathan Ehalt reviewed this issue and determined that the City could make <br />application to MnDOT for new population decals in the amount of $573.68 Metropolitan Council has <br />Hugo's population set at 11,658 and will update their population figures in April 2008. <br />Puleo made motion, Granger seconded, to table discussion of this matter until April 2008. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />
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