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City Council meeting of September 4, 2007 <br />Page 6 <br />UPDATE ON RECREATIONAL VEHICLE ORDINANCE SUBCOMMITTEE <br />For the past several months, the recreational vehicle ordinance subcommittee has been meeting with a <br />membership makeup of City Council, Planning Commission, citizens at large, and City staff. CD <br />Director Bryan Bear provided Council with an update on the subcommittee's work to date. At its <br />August 21, 2007 meeting, the subcommittee drafted a proposed ordinance, which would regulate the <br />parking of recreational equipment on property less than one acre in size. <br />Miran made motion, Haas seconded, directing City staff to schedule a public hearing to be held on the <br />proposed ordinance at the Planning Commission. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />UPDATE ON HUGO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AREA STREET RECONSTRUCTION <br />PROJECT <br />At its August 6, 2007 meeting, Council considered a request from a resident who lives on Foxhill <br />Avenue in the Hugo Elementary School neighborhood who would like his street reconstructed. Council <br />directed City staff to hold a neighborhood meeting with residents living in and around the area to explain <br />the project in more detail. On Monday, August 13, 2007, City Engineer Jay Kennedy and PW Director <br />Chris Petree met with resident Hank Schnider to discuss his request for a street reconstruction project. <br />Jay will provide Council with an update on the project. Jay provided a PowerPoint presentation <br />outlining the background, scope of improvements, financing, and potential project schedule. Council <br />also discussed: trail/sidewalk connections; consideration of downtown redevelopment as it relates to <br />Fondant/Lower 147' Street; storm sewers/drainage; and reconsideration of the assessment policy as this <br />project unfolds. <br />Granger made motion, Haas seconded, to schedule a special Council meeting to hold neighborhood <br />meeting to discuss this proposed reconstruction project. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVE PRELIMINARY 2008 CITY TAX LEVY <br />On July 18, 2007, Council held its annual mid -year budget review meeting. Finance Director Ron Otkin <br />provided Council with recap of the 2007 City budget to date. Council discussed focused areas for the <br />2008 City budget, which included public safety, parks, and transportation. After discussion, Council <br />agreed to direct staff to prepare the proposed 2008 City budget, which would reflect a decrease in the <br />City tax capacity rate of 0.5%. Council agreed to set the preliminary tax levy at its September 4, 2007 <br />meeting for certification to the State of Minnesota by the September 15, 2007 deadline. Finance <br />Director Ron Otkin prepared a proposed 2008 City budget with a proposed City tax rate of 34.967% of <br />tax capacity and provided Council with a PowerPoint presentation of focus areas for the 2008 City <br />budget, as well as a recommendation for approval of the resolution certifying the 2008 City tax levy at <br />$5,189,598. As Council is aware, the tax levy cannot be increased beyond this date; however, it can be <br />lowered following the Truth in Taxation hearing scheduled for December 3, 2007. <br />