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MINUTES FOR THE I-35 W/E COALITION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 13.2007 <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fran Miron at 7:10 pm. <br />PRESENT: Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson, Administrative Intern Nate Ehalt , CD Director Bryan Bear <br />ABSENT: Mike Granger <br />OTHERS: See Attached <br />INTRODUCTIONS <br />All persons present were greeted and asked to state their name and affiliated organization. Special <br />Guest Bill Short, White Bear Lake Town Clerk was present and represented the I -35E Coalition. <br />Bill spoke about their coalition and the fact that all the communities in the coalition have <br />contributed funds that equal $5,000 a year to allow the Project Management Team (PMT) to create <br />corridor priority documents and carry out research on specific projects. He spoke of their <br />successes and the strength of communities who bonded together. <br />DISCUSSION OF PAST MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT — REFOCUS COALTION <br />GOALS. <br />Hugo City Administrator, Mike Ericson, reviewed with everyone the agreements that created the I- <br />35W/E Coalition. He spoke of the need to review these documents in order to refocus the goals of <br />the coalition. Coalition members agreed to refocus efforts towards specific corridor goals and <br />prioritize projects. This topic was covered in my detail by Kate Garwood and Doug Fischer from <br />Anoka County. <br />UPDATE ON CSAH 8/14 PROJECT and Northern By -Pass <br />Anoka County Engineer Doug Fisher and Transportation Planner Kate Garwood discussed first the <br />formation of a Project Management Team (PMT) for the purpose of creating corridor priorities for <br />the coalition. They also said they would take the lead and have scheduled a meeting for the PMT <br />to start this endevor. Using the Highway Project Development Process (HPDP) the PMT will <br />determine which projects are most likely to become reality and should be the focus of the coalition. <br />The first meeting will be held on Friday September 21, 2007. <br />Doug took some time to discuss the I -35E & CSAH 14 interchange project. As of now, the final <br />design has been complete and will consist of a highbred diamond design with six legs. The design <br />of the bridge and the on and off ramps will be built to expand as I -35E expands lanes to the north <br />of St. Paul. The requests for proposals (RFP's) will now occur for final design and to allow the <br />funding process to begin. <br />