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EMERGENCY PLANNING AND MUTUAL AID BETWEEN COMMUNITIES <br />Mayor Mary Capra of Centerville described the storm that had recently damage areas in <br />Centerville and the importance of preparedness. She also spoke of the need to further connect <br />communities in <br />I-35 W/E. Coalition meeting of September 13, 2007 <br />Page 2 <br />cases of emergency to help with fire and police protection and public works assistance through <br />Mutual Aid Agreements. <br />2008 COMPREHENSIVE PLANS <br />Comp plan updates were heard from Hugo, Lino Lakes, Columbus, Centerville, Washington <br />County, Anoka County, and Metropolitan Council. <br />LEGISLATIVE UPDATES <br />Rep. Matt Dean, State Senator Ray Vandeveer, and Rep. Bob Dettmer spoke of the recent special <br />session to gain funding for southern Minnesota flood victims. They also mentioned the gas tax for <br />road funding and the need to first determine why the I -35W bridge collapsed. Road funding <br />formula needs to be changed to better serve all communities; coach bus service to start on I -35E, <br />Forest Lake to downtown St. Paul. <br />CITY AND COUNTY UPDATES <br />Each person present was able to speak about any project or update they felt necessary for the group <br />to know about. <br />SCHEDULE NEXT MEETING <br />It was decided that the meetings for the whole coalition will be held every other month, with PMT <br />to meet more frequently. The next I-35W/E Coalition meeting will be held November 1, 2007 at <br />7:OOPM at the Hugo City Hall. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />Mayor Miron adjourned the meeting at 9:45 pm. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Nathan Ehalt <br />Administrative Intern <br />