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City Council meeting of October 1, 2007 <br />Page 2 <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to approve the following Consent Agenda: <br />Approval of Claims <br />Approve Scheduling of I-35 W/E Coalition Meeting on November 1, 2007 <br />Approve Annual Performance Review for Public Works Worker Paul Christianson <br />Approve Annual Performance Review for Public Works Worker Tim Kieffer <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims roster for October 1, 2007 as presented. <br />APPROVE SCHEDULING OF I-35 W/E COALITION MEETING ON NOVEMBER 1. 2007 <br />On September 13, 2007, City officials attended the I-35 W/E Coalition meeting at Hugo City Hall. <br />Coalition members agreed to refocus the efforts of the Coalition towards the transportation needs of the <br />cities and counties, with a specific focus on construction of the new interchange at I-35 E and CSAH 14. <br />Coalition members agreed to schedule the next meeting for Thursday, November 1, 2007. Adoption of <br />the Consent Agenda scheduled a public meeting on November 1, 2007 at Hugo City Hall in the Oneka <br />Room, 7:00 pm. for the next I-35 W/E Coalition meeting. <br />APPROVE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW FOR PW WORKER PAUL CHRISTIANSON <br />The City of Hugo hired Paul Christianson as a public works worker on September 27, 2004. For the past <br />three years, Paul has demonstrated a good work ethic in performing a wide variety of duties in the public <br />works department. Paul has good communication skills and a sense of humor in dealing with the public <br />and contractors. Adoption of the Consent Agenda Works approved the annual performance for public <br />works worker Paul Christianson. <br />APPROVE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW FOR PW WORK TIM KIEFFER <br />On September 27, 2004, the City hired Tim Kieffer as a public works worker. Tim is a skilled and <br />conscientious employee in the public works department and has excellent customer service skills in <br />dealing with residents and contractors. Tim is a valued member of the public works department and has <br />completed a wide variety of duties from Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the annual <br />performance review for public works worker Tim Kieffer. <br />AWARD OF BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WELL HOUSE #5 <br />At its August 20, 2007 meeting, Council authorized staff to advertise for the construction of a well house <br />for well #5. On Wednesday, September 26, 2007, at 11:00 am, City staff opened bids for the <br />construction of well house #5. The City received a total of three bids with the apparent low bidder as <br />EnComm Midwest, Inc. with a bid of $393,393. <br />