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City Council meeting of October 1, 2007 <br />Page 6 <br />Because of the late hour: <br />Granger made motion, Haas seconded, to table the following agenda items until the Council meeting of <br />October 15, 2007: discussion on comprehensive economic development web policy with Washington <br />County and Minnesota Dept of Employment and Economic Development; discussion on Washington <br />County Technical Advisor Committee (TAC) on CR 7-8-9 study; October 29h Washington County <br />League of Local Governments meeting; and invitation to attend WBL school levy meeting on October <br />23rd at 7:00pm at Oneka Elementary School. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVE PAY REQUEST #3 FROM ARCON CONSTRUCTION FOR WORK COMPLETED <br />TO DATE ON OAKSHORE PARK P.I. PROJECT <br />City staff received pay request #3 from Arcon Construction for work completed to date on the Oakshore <br />Park public improvement project. Senior Engineering Technician Scott Anderson reviewed the pay <br />request and found it to be satisfactory for work completed on the project. <br />Puleo made motion, Haas seconded, to approve pay request #3 from Arcon Construction in the amount <br />of $309,167.21 for work completed to date on the Oakshore Park public improvement project. <br />VOTING AYE: Haas, Puleo, Miron <br />ABSTAINED: Granger and Petryk <br />Motion Carried. <br />UPDATE ON 2008 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND OCTOBER 1. 2007 METROPOLITAN <br />COUNCIL MEETING <br />CD Director Bryan Bear provided Council with a very brief update on the status of the City's 2008 <br />Comprehensive Plan and a meeting he attended on October 1, 2007 with Met Council at which he spoke <br />regarding Hugo's planning for the rural area of the City. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to adjourn at 10:00pm. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />44 �aryv <br />�e' <br />reager <br />City C <br />