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City Council meeting of October 1, 2007 <br />Page 5 <br />RESCHEDULE OCTOBER 5, 2007 COUNCIL WORKSHOP ON PROPOSED 2008 CITY <br />BUDGET <br />At its September 4, 2007 meeting, Council scheduled a workshop for Friday, October 5, 2007 to discuss <br />the proposed 2008 City budget. Due to scheduling conflicts, the October 5h meeting has been cancelled. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to schedule a Council workshop for Tuesday, October 23, 2007, <br />Hugo City Hall, at 9:00 am, to discuss the proposed 2008 City budget and the City's street assessment <br />policy. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />RECOMMENDATION FROM EDA TO REVIEW SAC/WAC FEES AND SCHEDULE <br />WORKSHOP <br />At its September 17, 2007 meeting, Hugo's Economic Development Authority (EDA) discussed with <br />City staff the current rates for the City's SAC and WAC fees, which are set annually by resolution by <br />City Council. Staff with shared with EDA Commissioner's an issue raised by a business preparing to <br />build a new restaurant in the City that the fees seem to be high. As Council is aware, the EDA's charge <br />is to promote business retention, expansion, and attraction. Since business attraction is a primary focus, <br />and the issue of fees that may be higher than surrounding communities, staff determined it was important <br />to discuss with the EDA this important policy issue for the City of Hugo. The EDA agreed to <br />recommend to Council that staff review the current rate structure of the SAC and WAC fees with regard <br />to surrounding communities with the same growth stage. The EDA requested that this information be <br />brought back to them so that they can better understand if the SAC and WAC fees are a detriment to <br />attracting new businesses to the City. Additionally, a proposed new business would like an opportunity <br />to discuss with Council, in a workshop, the SAC and WAC fee determination currently assigned to them <br />by staff. <br />Haas made motion, Puleo seconded, directing staff to work with the EDA at its next meeting to review <br />the current SAC and WAC fee schedule and report findings to Council, including a report from the <br />business owner. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />UPDATE REGARDING THE TRUNK HIGHWAY 61/COUNTY ROAD 4 INTERSECTION <br />At the September 18, 2007 City Council meeting, City Engineer Jay Kennedy provided Council with <br />background information regarding traffic control and sight distance issues at the Highway 61/County <br />Road 4 intersection. The City Council requested that Washington County officials provide the City <br />Council with an update regarding potential short-term and long-term improvements at the intersection. <br />City staff has been working with the County regarding these issues, and Ted Schoenecker, Washington <br />County Traffic Engineer, was in attendance to provide Council with a PowerPoint update on TH61/CR4, <br />restriping of "downtown" Hugo, the County's CSAH 7-8-9 Study, the County's 2008-2012 CIP, and the <br />County's Comprehensive Plan update. No formal City Council action was taken, but City Engineer Jay <br />Kennedy will review the County's plan for a three lane with middle turn lane and report to Council. <br />